Tururi virtuale


Nr: 75-77
October-December 2010

Clopotul din Casa Sfatului va anunţa Anul Nou
The Bell of the Council Tower will announce the New Year?s Day
Die Glocke im Rathausturm wird das Neue Jahr ankünden
A Tanácsház harangja köszönti az újévet
Festivalul Medieval ?Turnirul Cetăţilor?
The Medieval Festival ?Tournament of Citadels?
DasMittelalterfestival ?Turnier der Burgen?
Várak lovagi tornája, középkori fesztivál
Sărbătoarea Crăciunului
Christmas holiday
Das Weihnachtsfest
Karácsony ünnepe
Coregrafie specială în Ansamblul Măgura Codlea
Special Choreography for the Folk Group ?Magura Codlea?
Sonderchoreographie beim Măgura-Ensemble
Rendkívüli koreográfia a Măgura Codlea Együttesnél
Pregătirea Crăciunului la Cristian
Preparing for Christmas Day in Cristian
Weihnachtsvorbereitungen in Neustadt
Karácsonyi előkészületek Keresztényfalván
Sărbători la Dumbrăviţa
Holidays celebrated in Dumbravita
Feste in Dumbrăviţa
Ünnep Szúnyogszéken
Tragedia umanităţii
The Tragedy of Humanity
Gedenken an den Holocaust
Az emberiség tragédiája
Ceata de feciori din Ţara Făgăraşului
The Men?s Group from the region of Tara Fagarasului
Die Burschenscharen im Fogarascher Land
Legénycsapat Fogarasföldön
TransilvAero Show 2010, ediţia a III-a
The 3rd Edition of TransilvAero Show 2010
Dritte Auflage der TransilvAero Show
TransilvAero Show 2010., harmadik kiadás
Vacanţă la Moieciu
Holiday in Moieciu
Ferien in Moieciu
Üdülés Moécsen
Predealul ? o destinaţie excelentă
Predeal ? an excellent destination
Ein besonderes Reiseziel
Predeal ? egy nagyszerű úticél
Festivalul Floare de Colţ
The Edelweiss Festival
Das Festival Edelwei?
Havasi gyopár fesztivál

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Special Choreography for the Folk Group ?Magura Codlea?


A series of cultural and artistic events dedicated to the community take place in the town of Codlea, County of Brasov, located on the cultural road connecting Brasov to Sibiu, in the second half of the year: ?Onoare vârstnicilor?, ?Mărul Dulce?, ?Balul Ansamblului Măgura?, ?1 Decembrie - Ziua României? and ?Am pornit să colindăm?. All these are dedicated to the Christmas Day and the New Year?s Day. To organize these cultural events, the Culture House from Codlea and the Town Hall have always tried to improve and develop the repertoire of the Folk Group ?Magura Codlea?, which is made of members from three generations. The repertoire is carefully chosen by choreographers Angela and Florin Dragusin with the support of the Manager of the Culture House, Mr. Petrica Buhnici.

Honour to the Elders

Under this title the International Elders` Day is celebrated each year on October 1rst. This event includes a show dedicated to the retired persons from town of Codlea and an ?Excellence Diploma? award ceremony for the eldest members of the community and for the most longeval couples. There is a lot of emotion going on at this event and at the end people clink glasses of champagne.

?Romana? Dance

?The guests included the Manager of Mureseni House from Brasov, who made us an invitation to the museum to get information about an epoch dance that we should introduce in the programme of ?Magura? Folk Group. This is a saloon dance which used to be practiced by persons in higher circles. This artistic moment was organized with the help of Brasov Opera House?s choreography. The stage premier took place today in honour of the elders,? said Mr. Petrica Buhnici, the Manager of the Culture House from Codlea.

The Tasty Food Basket

The ?Tasty Food Basket? holiday, now at its 9th edition, is currently organized as ?Magura Folk Group Ball?. This event was taken over from the Saxons and was adjusted to be continued in time. The Culture House invites people to the ball, and those who register pay a moderate entrance fee and will return home with a basket full of tasty food. The money thus raised will be used to cover the costs incurred by this show and the products from the baskets are prepared and served at the table. The guests are welcomed with bread and salt and after the meal a party is organized with traditional dances and songs.
The Cultural House of Codlea will organize various artistic and cultural events on the National Day of Romania, followed by a series of other events dedicated to the Nativity on the Christmas Day, to the New Year?s Day and then continuing with Saint Vasile`s Day, the Epiphany and Saint John?s Day.


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