Nr: 96-98 July-September 2012
| | Primul muzeu virtual din România, la Braşov | | | The first virtual museum from Romania is in Brasov | | | Das erste virtuelle Museum Rumäniens in Kronstadt/Braşov | | | Románia első virtuális múzeuma Brassóban | | | Festivalul "Turnirul Cetăţilor" | | | The "Fortresses` Tournament" Festival | | | Festival "Turnier der Burgen" | | | Középkori várak lovagi tornája | | | Concert nocturn aniversar extraordinar | | | Extraordinary nocturnal anniversary concert | | | Jubiläumskonzert in den Abendstunden | | | Évfordulós rendkívüli éjszakai hangverseny | | | Colegiul Áprily Lajos: 175 de ani | | | Aprily Lajos High School: 175 years | | | 175 Jahre seit der Gründung des Aprily-Lajos-Lyzeums | | | 175 éves az Áprily Lajos Főgimnázium | | | Codlea, vară culturală | | | Codlea, cultural summer | | | Ein Kultursommer | | | Feketehalmi kulturális nyár | | | "Bătutul arminzinilor", la Feldioara | | | The "Raising of the Maypole" in Feldioara | | | Das Maibaum-Aufstellen in Marienburg/Feldioara | | | Májusfaállítás Barcaföldváron | | | Popas la Ghimbav | | | Stop over in Ghimbav | | | Rast in Weidenbach/Ghimbav | | | Pihenő Vidombákon | | | Legendele Ţării Bârsei, la Hălchiu | | | The Legends of Barsa Region (Tara Barsei) in Hălchiu | | | Burzenländer Sagen in Heldsdorf/Hălchiu | | | A Barcaság legendái Höltövényben | | | Nedeia Munţilor, la Fundata | | | The Village Feast in the Mountains in Fundata | | | Nedeia Munţilor in Fundata | | | Hegyvidéki ünnep Fundátán | | | Staţiunea Predeal, ofertă de vară | | | Predeal Resort, summer offer | | | Das Sommerangebot in Predeal | | | Predeal: kínálat a nyári idényre | | | Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus | | | Vistea, Dragus, Sambata de Sus | | | Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus | | | Vist, Dragus, Felsőszombatfalva | | | "Cântecul care zideşte" | | | "The Creating Song" | | | "Das Lied das aufbaut" | | | Az "építő ének" |
The Village Feast in the Mountains in Fundata
The Town Hall of commune Fundata, in collaboration with the Local Council of Fundata, organized the traditional holiday called "The Village Feast in the Mountains" on the plateau Muchia of Fundata in July 21st - 22nd 2012. The event attracted many tourists in the middle of a splendid natural landscape, on the plateau at the top of the mountains. The show offered by the local children folk group stood out through their area-specific costumes, as well as through the procession lead by horsemen proudly holding the Romanian flag. Among them there was also the Mayor of Fundata who wore the traditional folk costume on this occasion, thus sending a message to the future generations.
A fair covering two regions
"The traditional holiday The Village Feast in the Mountains is the descendent of the pastoral holiday called Santilie (Saint Elijah) organized on Santilie (Saint Elijah) Mountains, situated on the border between Bran, Muscel and Dambovita. In the old documents it is called "the fair covering two regions" Transylvania and Muntenia. The village feast was resumed in 1969. This year's holiday aims at reviving the local traditions, to show Fundata to tourists with its varied and genuine customs. The cuisine dishes made by the sheep breeders at the sheep cots from the narrows of the Carpathians Mountains and a special folk show enhanced the beauty of this event," said Mr. Marian Patea, Mayor of Fundata.
Preserving the traditions
The Village Feast in the Mountains is a celebration which was certified in documents in 1373. It is important because it gives us the chance to preserve traditions and not to forget our roots. The commercial side of this event is the sale of traditional or handmade goods by the local people, thus helping them to make some profit. This celebration is part of a bigger project for the promotion of the area, which includes the following events: the Olympics Day at Sirnea in June, the Measuring of Milk in Sirnea on June 29th, the Village Feast in the Mountains on July 20th, the Fire of Sumedru in Fundata and Sirnea during October 24th -25th, Winter in Sirnea at the end of January.
The parade of the young men
In Fundata, Brasov County, tourists had the chance to watch an exceptional pastoral show on the occasion of the 44th edition of the Village Feast in the Mountains which started with the parade of young men and girls. The procession also included horse-drawn wagons in which young people, dressed in folk costumes, played the whistle. Tourists admired the procession while marching through the locality up to the plateau "Muchia" of Fundata. Some of the young men were proudly wearing sheepskin coats as their ancestors used to.