Tururi virtuale


Nr: 96-98
July-September 2012

Primul muzeu virtual din România, la Braşov
The first virtual museum from Romania is in Brasov
Das erste virtuelle Museum Rumäniens in Kronstadt/Braşov
Románia első virtuális múzeuma Brassóban
Festivalul "Turnirul Cetăţilor"
The "Fortresses` Tournament" Festival
Festival "Turnier der Burgen"
Középkori várak lovagi tornája
Concert nocturn aniversar extraordinar
Extraordinary nocturnal anniversary concert
Jubiläumskonzert in den Abendstunden
Évfordulós rendkívüli éjszakai hangverseny
Colegiul Áprily Lajos: 175 de ani
Aprily Lajos High School: 175 years
175 Jahre seit der Gründung des Aprily-Lajos-Lyzeums
175 éves az Áprily Lajos Főgimnázium
Codlea, vară culturală
Codlea, cultural summer
Ein Kultursommer
Feketehalmi kulturális nyár
"Bătutul arminzinilor", la Feldioara
The "Raising of the Maypole" in Feldioara
Das Maibaum-Aufstellen in Marienburg/Feldioara
Májusfaállítás Barcaföldváron
Popas la Ghimbav
Stop over in Ghimbav
Rast in Weidenbach/Ghimbav
Pihenő Vidombákon
Legendele Ţării Bârsei, la Hălchiu
The Legends of Barsa Region (Tara Barsei) in Hălchiu
Burzenländer Sagen in Heldsdorf/Hălchiu
A Barcaság legendái Höltövényben
Nedeia Munţilor, la Fundata
The Village Feast in the Mountains in Fundata
Nedeia Munţilor in Fundata
Hegyvidéki ünnep Fundátán
Staţiunea Predeal, ofertă de vară
Predeal Resort, summer offer
Das Sommerangebot in Predeal
Predeal: kínálat a nyári idényre
Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus
Vistea, Dragus, Sambata de Sus
Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus
Vist, Dragus, Felsőszombatfalva
"Cântecul care zideşte"
"The Creating Song"
"Das Lied das aufbaut"
Az "építő ének"

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Aprily Lajos High School: 175 years



On May 18th 2012, Aprily Lajos High School from Brasov celebrated 175 years since its creation. At the beginning, this educational institution was called the Roman-Catholic College. During these 175 years, the Hungarian educational system from Brasov offered generations of well trained young people. Some of them became important personalities. The event gathered graduates of this former High School and the young generation making up the Hungarian educational system today.
The celebration was a good recollection opportunity, but also an opportunity to make the best use of the Hungarian cultural potential.

Commemorative actions

"It is a very important day for us and we celebrate 175 years since the foundation of the Roman-Catholic College with a special program: commemorative actions, at the Roman-Catholic Church from Muresenilor Street, an ecumenical service, festive discourses where pupils and teachers, former pupils and teachers of the school participate. An artistic moment is prepared by pupils and there is also a show dedicated to the celebration of the College, at the Dramatic Theatre. 767 children are educated in this college and more than 60 in the kindergarten," said Mr. Petki Pal, the head of Aprily Lajos High School.

The presence of authorities

The following personalities: Kovács Attila, the President of UDMR (the Democratic Hungarian Union from Romania) Brasov, Ambrus Carol, former sub-prefect of Brasov and Szente Laszla, an important member of UDMR Brasov, honoured the invitation of the National College to this event.
The festivities dedicated to this event and organized by the National College Aprily Lajos generated excitement within the participants. It was a great opportunity to remember High School years, it brought tears into the eyes of the former graduates and the young generation promised to take the prestige of the college further.

The program of the event

The program was the following:
- an ecumenical service in the Roman-Catholic Church from Muresenilor Street
- festive discourses and anniversary program in the yard of the school
- launching of the anniversary volume edited by the National College Aprily Lajos and of the collection of studies about the didactic activity of poet Aprily Lajos in the festive room of the school;
- award ceremony of the poetic recital, award ceremony of the contest for the illustration of Aprily Lajos' poems, in building A of the school, where thematic exhibitions were also organized
- gala show presented by the pupils of the National College Aprily Lajos.


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