Tururi virtuale


Nr: 90-92
January-March 2012

Investiţii în turismul istoric
Investments in historical sites
Investitionen in den Geschichte-Tourismus
A történelmi turizmus támogatása
Muzeul "Prima Şcoală Românească"
The "First Romanian School" Museum
Das Museum der ersten rumänischen Schule
Az első román iskolának szentelt múzeum
Alaiul Măscăricilor din Şcheii Braşovului
The Mask Procession from Scheii Brasovului
Der Schalken-Zug im Şchei-Stadtteil
Pojácafelvonulás a Bolgárszegen
Arderea păpuşilor la Budila
Doll Burning in Budila
Puppen werden angezündet
Bábuégetés Bodolán
Codlea: "Mărţişoare pentru mame"
Codlea: "Gifts called Mărtisor for mothers"
Codlea/Zeiden: "Märzchen für die Mütter"
Feketehalom: Márciuskák az édesanyáknak
Cristian: Festivalul Roainei
The Festival Roaina from Cristian
Neustadt: Das Roaina-Fest
Keresztényfalva: A Roaina fesztivál
Noul An Turistic
The New Year for Tourism
Das neue touristische Jahr
A turizmus új éve
15 Martie
March 15th
Der 15. März
Március 15.
Prejmer: Alaiul clătitelor
The Pancake Parade from Prejmer
Tartlau: Der Pfannkuchen-Zug
Prázsmár: Palacsintaparádé
Balul Însuraţilor
The Married Couples Ball
Der Abend der Verheirateten
Házasok bálja
Teliu: Carnavalul copiilor
The Children?s Carnival in Teliu
Teliu: Der Kinderkarneval
Keresztvár: Gyermekkarnevál
Cursa Trăsniţilor
The Crazy Race
Das Verrückte Rennen
Tébolyultak Futama

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The Crazy Race



On Saturday, February 25th 2012, the fifth Winter Edition of the Crazy Race took place in Poiana Brasov on ski slope Bradul. Five years since its first edition organized by the Rotary Club Brasov Citadel were celebrated through this event. The Crazy Race is organized by the same Club and it is the coolest, funniest and most entertaining event in Brasov, getting much attention from the media. The race is a cheerful and attractive way to involve the local community in fund raising for various community projects carried out by the Rotary Club Brasov Citadel. All funds raised will be used for the project "Rotary Citadel ? For a Better Education".

The history of the race

"On February 23rd 2008, the first edition of the Crazy Race took place on the slalom slope of Poiana Brasov. Its impact and the positive feedback received then exceeded all our expectations. Since February 2008 and until now things have progressed wonderfully and here we are now in February 2012 celebrating 5 years of active involvement in the community from Brasov in an intelligent and efficient way: The Crazy Race," said Mr. Romulus Oprica, President of the Rotary Club Brasov Citadel.

The participating teams in the Crazy Race

The competitors managed to transmit good humour this year too, much to the delight of the public, using their creative imagination in linking the sleighs.
For those who did not have time to build a crazy sleigh, the event?s partner bauMax Romania provided them a "crazy tent" and technical assistance to create a sleigh on the spot with which to get into the competition.
The crazy teams won prizes offered by the event?s traditional partner, the chain of hotels Ibis, which consisted in one weekend with breakfast included and guaranteed entertainment in the "Little Paris". The special prize of this year was a private extensive tour of the spookiest castle in the world: the Bran Castle.
What was new about this edition is that for the first time prizes were also awarded to the participating companies.

"The Crazy Saturday"

Both the participants and the tourists had a lot of fun at the crazy competitions, calling the day "The Crazy Saturday".
The competitions prepared by the tourists from Poiana Brasov included:
* karaoke competition, after inhaling helium;
* skills competition wearing ski gloves;
* dancing in ski boots;
* chilli pepper eating competition;
* obstacle race.
The event ended with an "after-race party".


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov