Tururi virtuale


Nr: 78-80
January-March 2011

Strategia de dezvoltare a judeţului Braşov
The Strategy for the Development of Brasov County
Die Entwicklungsstrategie für den Landeskreis Braşov/Kronstadt
Brassó megye fejlesztési stratégiája
Ziua României, la Nurnberg
Celebrating Romania's Day in Nurnberg
Der Tag Rumäniens in Nürnberg
Románia napja Nürnbergben
Cel mai mare edificiu gotic - Biserica Neagră
The Black Church, the Biggest Gothic Monument
Grö'ter gotischer Bau in Siebenbürgen
A legkeletibb gót épület - a Fekete templom
Şaguna - 160 de ani
Şaguna High School 160 - Year Anniversary
Şaguna - 160 Jahre
Şaguna - 160 év
Poiana Braşov: 'Cursa Trăsniţilor'
The 'Crazy Race' in Poiana Brasov
Schulerau/Poiana Braşov: 'Das verrückte Rennen'
Brassó Pojána: 'Háborodottak versenye'
Codlea: "Mărţişorul sau funia anului"
Codlea: " Mărţişor or the Year's Rope"
Codlea/Zeiden: Das Märzchen oder das Jahresband
Feketehalom: Márciuska avagy az év szalaga
Dragobetele - Ziua Îndrăgostiţilor la români
"Dragobete", The Romanian Valentine's Day
Dragobete - der rumänische Tag der Verliebten
Dragobete, a szerelmesek ünnepe a románoknál
Comuna Hărman: Fondul turistic
The Tourism Patrimony of Harman Commune
Hărman/Honigberg: Das Tourismus-Angebot
Szászhermány: turisztikai alap
Alungarea spiritului iernii
Chasing Away the Winter Spirit
Die Vertreibung des Winters
A tél szellemének eluzése
Predeal: Bun venit pe munte!
Predeal: Welcome to the mountains!
Predeal: Willkommen in den Bergen!
Isten hozott a hegyre!
The Fosnich's Holiday
Die Fosnich-Feier
A Fosnich ünnepe
Picturi pe piatră şi artă totemică
Stone Paintings and Totemic Art
Malerei auf Stein und Totemkunst
Kofestmények, totemisztikus muvészet

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Şaguna High School 160 - Year Anniversary



On November 30th 2010, Andrei Saguna High School celebrated the High School's Day on Saint Andrew's Day, and 160 years of activity. On this occasion several events were organized and a newly refurbished classroom was commissioned, which was financed from Brasov County Council funds. It was the old festive hall which included a little museum displaying the uniform formerly worn by Saguna students, which has changed over the years. Nowadays students wear a uniform with the initials of Andrei Saguna.

Pages from the High School's History

'The students are proud of their forerunners and they wear the high school's uniform in flying colours. The little museum inside the new hall, built with the help of Brasov County Council, contains pages from the high school's history, such as several memoranda. The museum also houses the high school's key, the Book of Honour, the Diploma of Excellence, protocols signed by Emil Cioran, the old class book, a lot of certificates and books referring to the high school. The Parents` Association also helped in this project, making all the efforts to complete it,' said Mrs. Mariana Ionescu, Professor and Headmaster of Saguna High School.

Remarkable Teachers

On the occasion of the 160-year anniversary, Andrei Saguna High School organized several events gathering many people from officials, special guests, former and actual teachers to students.
'Saint Andrew's Day is on the same day as the high school's day. The hall was rehabilitated thanks to Mihai Pascu who submitted a request in this regard to the County Council and to former Saguna students. I attended this high school when I was in the second grade and I had classes in this very classroom. I have wonderful memories from those times. I had exceptional classmates who participated in Olympiads and obtained great results. We had the chance to study when times were better and teachers famous,' said Mr. Aristotel Cancescu, Chairman of Brasov County Council.

Memories from High School

'I did not attend Saguna High School, but I come from a generation of Unirea High School students. I may say that our teachers were from the Old Guard, with doctorates, showing a faultless conduct, being a role model worthy to be followed by others. I was very excited to be part of this event,' said Mr. Aranyoşi Ştefan, Chairman of the Culture Committee from Brasov County Council.
'The high school is now celebrating 160-year anniversary and I love to recall myself studying in this classroom in the 9th grade many years ago. I remember that I had famous teachers who also continued to teach during the Modern Arts Club events. There was this exceptional atmosphere back then and we were very proud to be Saguna students. The Textbook Fair used to be organized and I heard that it has been currently resumed. Let me say it once again, we are proud to have been students in this high school,' said Mr. Dorin Lixandroiu, Professor.


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