Tururi virtuale


Nr: 78-80
January-March 2011

Strategia de dezvoltare a judeţului Braşov
The Strategy for the Development of Brasov County
Die Entwicklungsstrategie für den Landeskreis Braşov/Kronstadt
Brassó megye fejlesztési stratégiája
Ziua României, la Nurnberg
Celebrating Romania's Day in Nurnberg
Der Tag Rumäniens in Nürnberg
Románia napja Nürnbergben
Cel mai mare edificiu gotic - Biserica Neagră
The Black Church, the Biggest Gothic Monument
Grö'ter gotischer Bau in Siebenbürgen
A legkeletibb gót épület - a Fekete templom
Şaguna - 160 de ani
Şaguna High School 160 - Year Anniversary
Şaguna - 160 Jahre
Şaguna - 160 év
Poiana Braşov: 'Cursa Trăsniţilor'
The 'Crazy Race' in Poiana Brasov
Schulerau/Poiana Braşov: 'Das verrückte Rennen'
Brassó Pojána: 'Háborodottak versenye'
Codlea: "Mărţişorul sau funia anului"
Codlea: " Mărţişor or the Year's Rope"
Codlea/Zeiden: Das Märzchen oder das Jahresband
Feketehalom: Márciuska avagy az év szalaga
Dragobetele - Ziua Îndrăgostiţilor la români
"Dragobete", The Romanian Valentine's Day
Dragobete - der rumänische Tag der Verliebten
Dragobete, a szerelmesek ünnepe a románoknál
Comuna Hărman: Fondul turistic
The Tourism Patrimony of Harman Commune
Hărman/Honigberg: Das Tourismus-Angebot
Szászhermány: turisztikai alap
Alungarea spiritului iernii
Chasing Away the Winter Spirit
Die Vertreibung des Winters
A tél szellemének eluzése
Predeal: Bun venit pe munte!
Predeal: Welcome to the mountains!
Predeal: Willkommen in den Bergen!
Isten hozott a hegyre!
The Fosnich's Holiday
Die Fosnich-Feier
A Fosnich ünnepe
Picturi pe piatră şi artă totemică
Stone Paintings and Totemic Art
Malerei auf Stein und Totemkunst
Kofestmények, totemisztikus muvészet

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The Fosnich's Holiday



On January 22th and 23th Brasov County Centre for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture has organized the Foscnich's Holiday in Fantana and Cuciulata villages belonging to Hoghiz commune, in Bunesti commune and the pertaining villages, in Comana de Jos commune and Ticusul Nou village. This holiday is 200 years old and it has been borrowed from the Saxons who used to live in a large number in these regions.

The Unification Day

Parties similar to the Masked Balls of the Saxons and Hungarians are organized around January 24th in Rupea region, namely in Bunesti, Comana, Hoghiz communes and Mercheasa, Viscri, Fantana, Cuciulata villages. In some places, this holiday is called Fosnich (Cuciulata) and in others such as Daisoara, it is called "Vecinătăţi" (proximities) or "Nobării". "Fosnich" comes from an old Saxon holiday which has been taken over the years by the Romanian communities from these regions. As time passed by the holiday has been associated to the patriotic symbol of the Unification Day which is celebrated on January 24th.

The Proximities

"Being far from the neighbouring settlements forced the people from certain communities to organize themselves inside their local collectivity. Therefore, small associations were set up such as or < Nobarii >, whose names came from similar associations created in Saxon villages such as Daisoara, Ticus, Merchiasa, Parau or Rupea. Depending on the street, there was the Lower Proximity, the Upper Proximity, the Front or the Back Proximity. Through this custom some artistic groups specific to their area were formed, and cultural exchange between them was possible," said Mr. Adrian Valusescu, Manager of the Brasov County Centre for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture.

Mutual Aid

The members of Proximities help each other with money, agricultural products, food and labour force when the community faces natural disasters. At important events in a family's life such as wedding, baptism or funeral, the villagers gather in a large number, each of them bringing something.
A traditional event called "The Assembly of Proximities" takes place every year on January 24th, under the symbol of the Unification of Principalities.


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