Tururi virtuale


Nr: 75-77
October-December 2010

Clopotul din Casa Sfatului va anunţa Anul Nou
The Bell of the Council Tower will announce the New Year?s Day
Die Glocke im Rathausturm wird das Neue Jahr ankünden
A Tanácsház harangja köszönti az újévet
Festivalul Medieval ?Turnirul Cetăţilor?
The Medieval Festival ?Tournament of Citadels?
DasMittelalterfestival ?Turnier der Burgen?
Várak lovagi tornája, középkori fesztivál
Sărbătoarea Crăciunului
Christmas holiday
Das Weihnachtsfest
Karácsony ünnepe
Coregrafie specială în Ansamblul Măgura Codlea
Special Choreography for the Folk Group ?Magura Codlea?
Sonderchoreographie beim Măgura-Ensemble
Rendkívüli koreográfia a Măgura Codlea Együttesnél
Pregătirea Crăciunului la Cristian
Preparing for Christmas Day in Cristian
Weihnachtsvorbereitungen in Neustadt
Karácsonyi előkészületek Keresztényfalván
Sărbători la Dumbrăviţa
Holidays celebrated in Dumbravita
Feste in Dumbrăviţa
Ünnep Szúnyogszéken
Tragedia umanităţii
The Tragedy of Humanity
Gedenken an den Holocaust
Az emberiség tragédiája
Ceata de feciori din Ţara Făgăraşului
The Men?s Group from the region of Tara Fagarasului
Die Burschenscharen im Fogarascher Land
Legénycsapat Fogarasföldön
TransilvAero Show 2010, ediţia a III-a
The 3rd Edition of TransilvAero Show 2010
Dritte Auflage der TransilvAero Show
TransilvAero Show 2010., harmadik kiadás
Vacanţă la Moieciu
Holiday in Moieciu
Ferien in Moieciu
Üdülés Moécsen
Predealul ? o destinaţie excelentă
Predeal ? an excellent destination
Ein besonderes Reiseziel
Predeal ? egy nagyszerű úticél
Festivalul Floare de Colţ
The Edelweiss Festival
Das Festival Edelwei?
Havasi gyopár fesztivál

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Christmas holiday



The National Festival of Traditional Christmas and New Year Customs is organized in Brasov every year. This event gathers folk ensembles from all around the country, as well as famous names of the Romanian folk stage. Prestigious folk ensembles of the Hungarian, German and Romani ethnics join them and the show is thus complete. The purpose is to bring up-to-date the former customs and traditions which are included in the repertoires of these folk groups.

Familiarity with the custom

?The Festival aims at being an event of popular culture combining the authentic with tradition, facilitating the contact between generations, bringing before the audience the cultural values defining the traditional community and making the public aware of the inestimable value of the patrimony. The event offers the opportunity to get acquainted with Christmas and New Year customs: Steaua, Turca, Irozii, Capra and Plugurorul. All these customs are brought up-to-date on stage in front of the audience?, says Adrian Văluşescu, the Manager of the Centre for Traditional Culture Preservation and Promotion of Brasov county.


A tradition named ?Turca? takes place in several villages from the region Rupea ? Fagaras: Comana de Sus and de Jos, Venetia de Sus and de Jos, Cuciulata and Sambata. The men group is made up in this case of five lads who choose a Bailiff, two men dancing Turca, and two cellar men ? administrators. One of the lads is masked as a goat, his costume being sewn with coloured ribbons and a belt with bells. The lads, accompanied by fiddlers, start the Turca and walk over all houses on Christmas Eve. The hosts offer them in exchange knot-shaped bread, meat and money. People say that both the carol singers who bring Turca and the hosts shall be rich and healthy the next year.

The symbole of masks

The mask is also used by Hungarians in a scenario called Borica, practiced by the Csangos from the region Sacele - Tarlungeni, on Christmas Eve. The masked person accompanies the group of carol singers, the zoomorphous mask being worn by a lad from the group. It represents the symbol of the God who dies and is reborn every year. Young people dressed in the folk costumesperform a specific dance belonging both to lads and to the masked person. People say that this dance hunts away malign demons and bring out a rich new year.


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