Tururi virtuale


Nr: 63-65
October-December 2009

Festivalul ?Fulg de Nea?
The ?Snow Flake? Festival
Das Festival ?Schneeflocke?
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Urbane a Braşovului, deschis publicului larg
The City Civilisation Museum from Brasov - open for the public
Das Museum für städtische Zivilisation Kronstadt/Brasov
A Brassó Városi Civilizáció Múzeuma megnyílt a nagyközönség számára is
Micul OktoberFest
The Little Oktoberfest
Das Mini-Oktoberfest
A kis Oktoberfest
Zoritorii din Cristian
?Zoritorii? from Cristian
Die Weihnachtssänger von Neustadt
Keresztényfalvi hajnalozók
Zilele Hălchiului
The Feast Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövény napjai
Sărbătoarea ?Mărul Dulce?
The ?Sweet Apple? Holiday
Das Fest des ?Sü?en Apfels?
Az Édes Alma ünnepe
Ghimbavul istoric şi modern
Ghimbav: History and Modernity
Weidenbach von einst und heute
A történelmi és a modern Vidombák
Festivalul istoric ?În numele tandafirului"
The historic festival ?The Name of the Rose"
Das historische Festival ?Im Namen der Rose?
Történelmi fesztivál: A rózsa nevében
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Festival
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Fest
Festivalul Oierilor şi Răvăşitul Oilor
Shepherds? Festival and Sheep Scattering
Das Schafhalter-Festival und der Schaf-Abtrieb
A juhászok ünnepe
Competiţii la Predeal
Competitions in Predeal
Wettkämpfe in Predeal
Predeáli versenyek
Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreieşti
The European Day of Jewish Culture
Der Europa-Tag der jüdischen Kultur
A zsidó kultúra európai napja
Acupunctura Zhendao

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The European Day of Jewish Culture



The synagogue from Brasov hosted an extraordinary concert which, together with a few cultural moments, marked the European Day of Jewish Culture. The concert enjoyed the participation of the tenor Shmuel Barzilai, first cantor in Vienna and young artist Ori Yehezkel (Piaf), the representative of Israel at the ?Golden Stag?, with a great contribution from the Klezmer orchestra of the Jewish Community in Brasov.
Tiberiu Roth, President of the Jewish Community from Brasov, welcomed the guests and wished them Happy Holidays for the new Jewish New Year.


37 years since the Olympiad in Munich were celebrated on the occasion of the European Day of Jewish Culture. That is the famous Olympiad from 1972, when 11 Israeli athletes were killed. The European Day is being organised in 20 countries from Europe, where promotion events for Jewish culture are organised, summing up 900 events in more than 300 towns.
?We hope that, starting from today, Romania shall celebrate the European Day of Jewish Culture and join these countries. If before the Second World War there were nine millions Jewish persons, after the war only two millions remained, out of which in Romania still live 7000? declared Tiberiu Roth.

Excitement tears

Ori, called Piaf, had an exceptional performance in front of the numerous public from the Synagogue in Brasov, to celebrate the European Day of Jewish Culture. She sang some international songs, but also Israeli and Romanian pieces. When she was rewarded with a beautiful bouquet of pink flowers and she was addressed in her native language, Ori became overwhelmed with excitement and cried before the audience.
The same excitement overwhelmed Shmuel Barzilai, because the Jewish persons who gathered in the Synagogue sang Jewish songs with the tenor. Brazilai was invited the second day to sing with the Philharmonics ?Gheorghe Dima? from Brasov and his colleagues from the Opera in Brasov on the stage of the Golden Stag, arranged in Piata Sfatului.


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