Tururi virtuale


Nr: 60-62
July-September 2009

Turismul de tip paradores, în Braşov
Paradores tourism in Braşov
Paradores-Tourismus in Braşov
Paradores-turizmus, Brassóban
Prima conferinţă hotelieră din Transilvania
The first hotel conference from Transilvania
Die erste Hotellerie-Konferenz in Transsilvanien
Az első erdélyi hotel- és idegenforgalmi konferencia
Diversitatea, o şansă în plus
Diversity, an extra chance
Die Vielfalt als zusätzliche Chance
A sokféleség ? további esély
Festival ecvestru la Râşnov
The Equestrian Festival of Râşnov
Reitfestival in Rosenau
Rozsnyói lovasfesztivál
Talciocul de stil
The Style Fair
Flohmarkt mit Stil
Stílusos bolhapiac
Târgul de mirodenii
The Spices Fair
Der Gewürzmarkt
Festivalul Fanfarelor
The Fanfares Festival
Das Festival der Blaskapellen
Buzduganul de la Drăguş
The Dragus Mace
Der Streitkolben von Drăguş
A daróci buzogány
Noaptea de Sânziene la Şirnea
The Midsummer Night in Sirnea
Die Sânziene-Nacht bei Şirnea
Szentivánéj Şirneán
Zilele Codlei-Kronenfest
The Days of Codlea - Kronenfest
Die Zeidner Tage ? das Kronenfest
Kronenfest ? a Feketehalmi napok
Rotbav ? istorie şi tradiţie
History and tradition in Rotbav
Rothbach ? Geschichte und Tradition
Szászveresmart ? történelem és hagyomány
Tradiţii culturale la Predeal
Cultural traditions in Predeal
Kulturtraditionen in Predeal
Kulturális hagyományok Predeálon

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The Equestrian Festival of Râşnov



The 7th edition of the Equestrian Festival took place in town Rasnov, county of Brasov where a lot of Romanian people and foreign tourists came. At the bottom of Rasnov Fortress, in the middle of a natural scenery, the equine beauty contests, by horse races, the equine training shows and the stunts indulged the audience and those passionate of this hobby. The Festival has already become a tradition and each year the participants wishing to exhibit their horses, carriages and skills grow in number. The equine show finished with an exceptional folk program.

The Town Parade

The official opening of the event was made with the Town Parade with horses and carriages lead by the local fanfare and the local folk group. The tourists had the chance to admire horses, their poise but also the genuine folk costumes of local inhabitants. The procession went through the town and stopped in a clearing at the bottom of the Fortress, which lies on the road connecting Rasnov to Poiana Brasov.
The Mayor of town Rasnov, Mr. Adrian Vestea, said: ?This event is part of a larger promotion program whose purpose is to make customs and traditions popular, to attract tourists and to make cultural exchanges. The Equestrian Festival is a unique event, with the massive participation of those who own horses, carriages and of horse trainers. Therefore, we make horse races known and satisfy the interest of a certain group of tourists who come each year especially for this event.?

Training shows

The following categories entered the equine beauty competition, by horse races: Frisian, Lipizzan, sport and entertainment horses and ponies. At the carriages` parade the participants exhibited old and new unique carriages. They impressed the audience, a lot of them requesting to be given a carriage ride, after the demonstration finished. The equestrian training performance was spectacular and the horses offered a true show to the audience. The stunts were performed by experienced people and the ?Ladies? Parade?, the jumps over obstacles, the traction competition received a lot of consistent prizes and diplomas from organizers.

Artistic show

At the event?s location an outdoor stage was arranged for the audience to assist to an exceptional artistic show performed by folk music and dance groups ?Calusarul rasnovean?, ?Dumbravita? and ?Mugurelul?, ?Magura?, ?Calusarii tineri?, ?Poienita? juniors from the All-Round School no. 3, ?Tara Barsei? Folk Music Band but also by modern dancers, humorists and singers.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov