Tururi virtuale


Nr: 50-51
September-October 2008

Judeţul Braşov implicat în sport
Sport in Brasov County
Sport dans le département
Sport nella Provincia
Instituţia Prefectului promovează cultura şi religia
Traditions and Customs
Traditions et Coutumes
Tradizioni e costumi
Satul lui Augustin
Augustin?s Village
Le Village d?Augustin
IL Villaggio d?Agostino
Zilele Codlei - Kronenfest
Codlea?s Days
Les Jours de Codlea
I Giorni di Codlea
Zillele Dumbrăviţei
Dumbravita?s Days
Les Jours de Dumbravita
I Giorni di Dumbravita
Zilele Cetăţii Făgăraşului
Fagaras Citadel?s Days
Les Jours de la Citadelle
I Giorni della Cittadella
Hălmeagul şi bustul Împărătesei Sziszi
The Village and the Empress
Le village et l?impératrice
Il villaggio e l?imperatrice
Istorie şi tradiţie la Ormeniş
Ormenis Days
Les Jours de Ormenis
I Giorni di Ormenis
Biserica sub formă de cruce
St. Peter and Paul Church
L?Eglise St. Pierre et Paul
La Chiesa Pietro e Paolo
Predeal 2008: ?Enescu şi muzica lumii?
Enescu and the World?s Music
Enescu et la Musique du Monde
Enescu e la Musica del Mondo
Restaurantul ?Casa Pădurarului?
The ?Forester?s House? Restaurant
La Maison du Garde-chasse
La Casa del Guardaboschi
Icoanele pictorului Ovidiu Marian
Icons on Wood
Icônes sur bois
Icone su legno
“Cerbul de Aur” – 40 de ani de existenţă
The Golden Stag
Le cerf d'or
Il cervo d'oro

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Sport in Brasov County


The President of Brasov County Council, Aristotel Cancescu, re-elected for the 2008-2012 mandate, will continue the projects started in previous mandate and will achieve more in terms of sustainable development of the county, promotion of tourism, culture and traditions, will valorise the historic heritage of the county and will accelerate sport, environmental protection, ecology and youth projects.

Local Sport Promotion
A Direction for Sport, with two sections - tennis and ice skating ? will function within the Count Council. A section of swimming is projected for the future.
According to Dragos Cristian, head of Sport Commission within the County Council, this direction may work in the autumn. ?The institution will help revive the mass sport and will contribute to the development of the juvenile sport. In winter, the children living in the county?s communes will train for free on the County Council?s rinks, ensuring a base selection for gifted children, potential champions of Romanian sport?.

Wide Scope Tournaments
The County Council will assign significant amounts for the organization of cups, competitions, tournaments, national and international championships for children and youth players. ?In the autumn we will organise a tennis tournament, in December an artistic skating contest and in February 2009 we intend to make a speed-skating contest on short track. The traditional sport events for Brasov, as Tennis Challenger, National Karate Championship and National Auto racing Championship, will remain financially supported by the County Council? Dragos Craciun stated.

Supporting Youths and Champions
In order to identify and train future generations of performers, the County Council will popularize those projects, meant to revive mass sports such as cross, chess, table tennis, soccer and others. The trainers who have obtained performances will be awarded. The Council will become partner of the team that have achieved remarkable results at nationally and internationally level and will promote handball, basketball, volleyball and youth players. It will also be created a football excellence school.

Olympia ? Selection Base
The Sporting Base Olympia is ready to host the fifth edition of the tennis tournament. The Council financed the stand?s set-up, rehabilitated the building - historic monument and created the conditions for organizing international tournaments. Here will be an excellent selection base for children. Qualified trainers will also identify the children in the county with performance skills.


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