Tururi virtuale


Nr: 48-49
July-August 2008

Judeţul Braşov, în mandatul 2008-2012
New Mandate?s Objectives
Objectifs du nouveau mandat
Serbările Medievale ale Braşovului - Ediţia a II-a
Brasov?s Medieval Feasts
Les Fêtes Médiévales de Brasov
Le Feste Medievali di Brasov
Recreere la Codlea
Nature and Culture in Codlea
La ville des fleurs
Natura e cultura a Codlea
Zilele Ghimbavului
Ghimbav?s Days
Les Jours de Ghimbav
I Giorni di Ghimbav
Invitaţie la Hărman
Harman?s Days
Les Jours de Harman
I Giorni di Harman
Turism ecumenic la Predeal
Ecumenical Tourism
Tourisme œcuménique
Turismo ecumenico
Zilele Prejmerului
Prejmer?s Days
Les Jours de Prejmer
I Giorni di Prejmer
Măsurişul laptelui
Milk Measuring
Le mesurage du lait
La misurazione del latte
Spectacol excepţional la Sânpetru
Sanpetru?s Days
Les Jours de Sanpetru
I Giorni di Sanpetru
Buzduganul - obicei traditional al satului Drăguş
The Mace
La Massue
Il Frangicapo
Înstruţatul boului
Ox Adornment
Le Parement du Bœuf
L?adornamento del bue
Sărbătoarea Sânzienelor
The Bedstraws Fairies
Les Fées-Solidages
Gli Spiriti Femminili
Festivalul Oraşelor Înfrăţite
The Twin Towns Festival
Les Festival des villes jumelées
Festival delle Città Gemellate
Restaurantul Panoramic
Panoramic Restaurant
Le Restaurant Panoramic
?Sărbătoarea Pădurii?
Forest?s Feast
La Fête de la Forêt
Festa del Bosco
Luminiţa Gliga şi culorile misterioase
Labyrinth of Colours
Labyrinthe des Couleurs
Labirinto di colori

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The Mace



In Dragus commune there is a traditional custom called The Mace, which is a ceremonial celebrating a cross made by straw wisps gathered by the croppers during harvest. In the traditional village, the habit used to be both an agrarian, folkloric and social event. The wreath were made from the most beautiful straws; croppers used to let some of them in the fields, in order to conserve the entire fertile power of the crop-field.

Fertilising Ritual
This agrarian ceremonial symbolise the passage of the wheat spirit from cycle of life top the cycle of death and marks its way to the immortality. The wreath, the straw wisps and the seeds participated all together in the acts meant to fertilise people, crop-fields and animals.

Wreath Procession
A beautiful nubile girl used to bear the wreath from the field to the household in the village, if she were able to comply with three conditions: she had to be virgin, hard working, beautiful and ritually pure.
A numerous procession of local boys and girls use to accompany the virgin. On their way to the village, the wreath and the croppers were abundantly wetted. The village?s priest used to wait the suite with buckets full of water, ready to wet the wreath, to be left then ceremoniously, after the suite went three times around the table.

Wreath Dance
Early in the morning, at noon or at the end of the harvest day, croppers performed the wreath dance, which is the most ancient folkloric fold, conserved only by the elder?s memory. The wreath used to be kept in the house till the next year harvest.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov