Following the invitation of Veneto Region, representatives of the County Council Brasov attended, in December 2007, a work meeting in Brussels with other three regions of the EU: Valencia (Spain), Lisbon (Portugal) and Carinthia (Austria).
According to Radu Ispas, the Brasov?s county manager, ?Brasov is the only county in Romania, invited to participate, as a partner, within the project ?European Observatory for the State Allowances?. In order to implement the project, meant to monitor the state allowances bestowed to the small and medium enterprises (SME), a teamwork will be constituted including representatives of the CC, the County?s Durable Development Agency, the County Office dor SME, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Transilvania University and the State Office for the Competition?.
Economic Competitiveness
Within the period 2007-2013, the main resources of the state allowances for the SME are the structural funds. The most important program is the Operational Program for the Development of the Economic Competitiveness, functioning according to the scheme: the Ministry for SME, Commerce, Tourism and Liberal Professions evaluates the program while the Ministry of Economy and Finance assigns the money.
INTEREG 4C Program
According the county counsellor Dragos Craciun, the project is financed through INTEREG 4C European Program with an amount of 500-700.000 euros. ?The EU assigns 85% of the amount, while 15% represents our financing, consisting in work. The financed activities are informing activities (seminaries, round tables), material impression, monitoring and creation of a data base?.