Tururi virtuale


Nr: 38-39
September-October 2007

Garofiţa Pietrei Craiului
The Arts? International Festival
Le Festival International des Arts
Il Festival Internazionale delle Arti
Invitaţie la Augustin
The Daces? Inheritors
Les Héritiers des Daces
Gli eredi dei Daci
Hiperdia: magnetul sănătăţii
Hiperdia: A Real Health Resonator
Hiperdia - le résonateur de santé
Hiperdia ? il risonatore di salute
Zilele Hărmanului
Harman?s Days
Les Jours de Harman
I Giorni di Harman
Gospodarul Vamasan
Vama Buzaului?s Householder
Le Fermier de Vama Buzaului
Il massaio di Vama Buzaului
Dumbrăviţa ? 500 de ani de existenţă
500 Years of Existence
500 ans d?existence
500 anni d?esistenza
Zărneştiul în sărbătoare
Zarnesti?s Days
Les Jour de Zarnesti
I Giorni di Zarnesti
Kronstadt Jazz Festival
Kronstadt Jazz Festival
Kronstadt Jazz Festival
Kronstadt Jazz Festival
Romanian Electronic Festival
Romanian Electronic Festival
Le Festival Electronique Roumain
Il Festival Elettronico Romeno
ATV Pompier la Moieciu
Polaris ATV Fire-fighter
Pompier ATV Polaris
Vigile del fuoco ATV Polaris
Sărbătorile Hălchiului
Halchiu?s Feast
Les Fêtes de Halchiu
Le Feste di Halchiu
Predealul, paradisul turiştilor
Predeal, the Tourists' Paradise
Predeal, le paradis des touristes
Predealul, il paradiso dei turisti
Prima femeie prefect la Braşov
The first Women Prefect
La première femme préfet
La prima donna prefetto
Turism de cinci stele la Braşov
5 stars Tourism in Brasov
Tourisme de 5 étoiles à Brasov
Turismo di 5 stelle a Brasov
Expoziţie de mozaic
Mosaic Display
Exposition de mosaïque
Mostra di mosaico
Cetatea muzicală
The Musical Citadel

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Harman?s Days


The commune Harman, bordering Brasov, celebrated the second edition of ?Harman?s Days?. The mayor invited its guest in a very peculiar way, using a medieval formula: ?Inhabitants of the Stronghold! Our masters ordered all of us to start party in the 18th and the 19th days of the calendar of month August, Anno Domini 2007?. The effect was so that even the ancient German inhabitants emigrated in Germany responded the summons.

Vet?s Blood Tribute
On the occasion, the town hall awarded titles of citizens of honour for 17 war veterans. ?Our intention was to pay homage to those who gave blood tribute during World War II. Unfortunately, very few of them are still alive, and they are old and ill. They are the witnesses and the survivors of the tremendous conflagration and the living memory of this locality?, mayor Mihai Disor stated.

Equine Contest and Dance
The awarding ceremony was followed by the Junii Brasovului? Parade, an impressive display of riders wearing amazing costumes.
The local stadium hosted an equine contest, designed to award the most beautiful horse and team of Harman. The organizers also offered the participants sporting games, a mini soccer championship, entertaining fights and a brass band concert. The event was closed by an outdoor party and splendid fireworks.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov