Tururi virtuale


Nr: 36-37
July-August 2007

Poarta Ecaterina - simbol al Braşovului
Ecaterina's Gate
La Porte Ecaterina
La Porta Ecaterina
"Serbările Medievale" ale Braşovului
Braşov's Medieval Feasts
Les Fêtes Médiévales de Brasov
Le Feste Medievali di Brasov
200 de ani de prezenţă evreiască în Braşov
Graveyards and Culture
Cimetières et culture
Cimiteri e cultura
Zilele Sânpetrului
Sanpetru?s Days
Les Jours de Sanpetru
I Giorni di Sanpetru
Turism de cinci stele la Braşov
Aro Palace Excellence
L?excellence à Aro Palace
La compiutezza di Aro Palace
Zilele Codlei ? Kronenfest 2007
Codlea?s Days
L?excellence à Aro Palace
I Giorni di Codlea
Ţara Făgăraşului
Fagaras?s Land
Le Pays de Fagaras
Il Paese di Fagaras
?Mondialele? de toacă la Victoria
World Bell Board Contest
Les cloches en bois
La gara di simandro
Târgul de la Moieciu
Moieciu Summer Fair
La Foire d?Ete Moieciu
La Fiera d?Estate Moieciu
Zilele Tărlungeniului
Tarlungeni?s Days
Les Jours de Tarlungeni
I Giorni di Tarlungeni
Zilele Predealului
Predeal?s Days
Les Jours de Predeal
I Giorni di Predeal
Diplomă europeană pentru Piatra Craiului
European Diploma for Piatra Craiului
Diplôme Européenne pour Piatra Craiului
40 de ambasadori la Braşov
40 Ambassadors at Brasov
40 ambassadeurs à Brasov
40 ambasciatori a Brasov
Collaboration Brasov-Montbéliard
Collaboration Brasov-Montbéliard
Collaborazione Brasov-Montbéliard
Schimb de experienţă Veneto ? Braşov
Consulenza italiana per Brasov
Diploma europeo per Piatra Craiului
Colaborare intre Brasov si Montbeliard

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Moieciu Summer Fair


Moieciu Commune is a mountain resort of Brasov county, 38 km distant from Brasov and just 3 of the famous Bran Castle. The area is in great request, not only for the exceptional mountain landscape, but also for its historical patrimony: The Baths Cave, The Natural Park Bucegi, The National Park Piatra Craiului, The Fossiliferous area Valea Strunga, the Monument erected in 1918, the orthodox church ?The Assumption?, the Summer Fair, a traditional and cultural feast. Located between Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Montains, the area Bran Moieciu charms the tourists with the wildness of its landscape or impressing touring destinations such as Rasnov Stronghold or Bran Castle.

Commerce and Folklore

Every year, Moieciu hosts the ?Summer Fair? organized by ANTREC, Brasov subsidiary, the County Council and the local townhall. The visitors are offered artistic and folkloric shows, farming utensils exhibits, animal contest and the famous local cheese.
According to mayor Nicolae Clinciu, the Summer Fair, arrived at its 15th edition, continuous an ancient tradition of the area. ?People used to come once here for commercial trades. Today, well-known popular artisans exhibit tradition artefacts, change ideas, commercial and touring items. The fair also means popular clothes parade and reach sell-out displays: horsewhips, bells, hats, tissues, traditional musical items, handicraft articles and the delicious local cheese?.


National Course DN 73 Brasov ? Pitesti
Mountain ranges: 4-5 h from Pestera or Padina chalets in Bucegi Mountains. 1 ½ h from Fundata (DN 73).


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