Tururi virtuale


Nr: 32-33
March-April 2007

Braşovul la Bruxelles
Study case: Brasov County, Romania
Etude de cas: Brasov, Roumanie
Studio di caso: la provincia de Brasov
Festival Maghiar la Apaţa
Magyar Festival at Apaţa
Festival Magyar à Apaţa
Festival Ungherese ad Apaţa
Turism de cinci stele la Braşov
Five Stars Tourism at Braşov
Tourisme de cinq etoiles a Braşov
Turismo di cinque stelle a Braşov
200 de ani de prezenţă evreiască la Braşov
The Jewish Community of Braşov
La Communauté juive de Brasov
La Comunità ebrea di Brasov
Picturile lui Gabriel Stan
The Quest of Gabriel Stan
Mândra, o zonă naturală
Storage Lakes and Touring Area
Lacs d'accumulation et zone touristique
Bacini di raccolta e zona turistica
Prefecturi la standarde europene
Prefectures on EU Standrads
Préfectures à des standards UE
Prefetture a standard UE
Moieciu luptă pentru păstrarea obiceiurilor
Say "Cheese" and eat It!
La joie du fromage
L'allegria del formaggio
Muntele Tâmpa
Mount Tampa - a peculiar Reserve
Muzeul de Etnografie Braşov
Reconstituting anciens Ways of Life
Reconstituer d'anciens modes de vie
Riconstituzione di vecchi stilli di vita
Paştele şi ouăle Învierii
Easter and the Resurrection Eggs
Les Pâques et les oeufs de la Résurrection
La Pasque e le uova delle Risurrezione
Ceremonialul "Plugarul"
The Ploughman's Custom
Il Costume dell'Aratore
Predeal, ţinta vacanţelor reuşite
Predeal, the perfect destination
Predeal, la destination parfaite
Predeal, la destinazione perfetta
Fasching - Caravana Clătitelor
The Pancake Caravan
La Caravane de Crêpes
La Carovana delle Crêpes
Ceremonialul focului la Şinca Nouă
The Wheel on Fire
La roue en flammes
La Ruota in fiamme
Balul portului popular la Rupea
Popular Clothes' Bal
Le Bal de l'Habit Populaire
Il Ballo degli Abiti Popolari

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Popular Clothes' Bal


The County Centre for Conservation and Promotion of the Traditional Culture Brasov, Rupea Town Hall and the Communitarian Centre Rupea organized ?The Popular Clothes? Ball?, an event started 39 years ago. Along this period, it only was interrupted the first two years after the fall of the communist regime, then proudly recovered. The popular clothes of the inhabitants, men and women, are of a unique beauty and have been displayed on the most famous stages of the world. However, only two local women know today the head dress?s ritual: it requires a lot of skills to fold it and create a real adornment for the head.

Housewives? Skills and Cheerfulness

According to the mayor Flavius Dumitrescu, by sustaining ?The Popular Clothes? Ball?, local authorities offer the inhabitants the opportunity to relive for one night an ancient atmosphere, when people used to wear with pride their folkloric clothes, sing songs learned from their parents and grandparents, dance the round dance of the village.

This year?s edition was hosted at Ploughman?s Hall in Rupea; the location allows everybody, even those sitting at the table disposed by families of three-four generations, to participate at the dance. Traditional baskets, full of meals specific to the various households and covered with homespun table napkin, were placed on the tables. They talk about the family?s richness and the housewife?s skills in cooking.

Foreign Guests as Merrymakers

The local brass band, already famous in Romania , accompanied the countless popular singers who attended the event, along with the huge number of foreign guests. The popular clothes? parade is not the only unforgettable event hosted by Rupea; the citadel offers permanently wonderful medieval evenings and passionate traditional holidays.


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