Tururi virtuale


Nr: 23
June- 2006

Regele Mihai I de România, la Braşov
The King?s Visit
La visite du Roi
25 de ani de la aselenizare
The Cosmos conquered from Braşov
Il Cosmos conquistado da Braşov
Mesaj pentru militarii români din Irak
Supporting the Mission in Iraq
Appuyer la mission en Irak
Appoggiare la missione in Irak
Un loc mirific
A beautiful place
Un bel endroit
O localitate străveche: Vama Buzăului
The Howling Water
L?eau hurlante
L?Acqua urlante
Împuşcatul cocoşului
Shooting the Scape ? rooster
Le tir au coq expiatoire
Pigliare due ... gali ad una fava
Buneştiul atractiv
Fleurs, histoire et vaches
Fiori, storia e mucche
Cata ? satul pisicilor
The Cats? Village
Le village des chats
Homorodul medieval
History and Horses
Storia e Cavalli
Zilele Predealului
The Life at 1159 m
La vita a 1159 m
15 ani de înfrăţire Rupea ? Denderleeuw
Belgian Friendship
Amitié belge
Microenterprises and macrohistory
Microentreprises et macrohistoire
Strategia CCI Braşov
The Chamber?s Strategy
La strategia della Camera

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

The Howling Water


Vama Buzăului is an ancient settlement of Braşov county, specific to the curvature relief area, a quality illustrated by its name: ?Întorsura?. It?s a pre-mountain area, favorable to shepherd and husbandry practices. Being less accessible, the civilization encountered difficulties to penetrate, therefore the inhabitants managed to conserve intact theirs authenticity, pastoral practices, traditions and customs.

A genuine Locality
The last event that gathered them all was the inauguration of the community centre and the Durable Development Agency. The show offered by the town hall included the performances of the vocal band ?Florile Codlei? and the well-known artist Aurel Tamas, while the repertory covered varied and rich areas of our folkloric geography such as Oas, Banat, Bran, Fagaraş, Crihalma-Daişoara. As mayor Tiberiu Chirilas sad, people and traditions are the most valuable capital in this genuine locality, unblended with pollution and urban stress.

Artists and Artifacts
Inaugurated in 2003, the National Sculpture Centre is the main attraction for the artistic world and generally for those who like to blend the passion for art with the joy of having a good time amidst an unpolluted, relaxing and peaceful nature. As mayor Chirilaş and counselor Constantin Neagovici sad, the Centre can host every summer various workshops, where artists can create imaginative artifacts. ?By exploiting the natural, cultural and artistic potential of the area, we support the durable development of Vama Buzăului commune and protect the environment as well? the mayor stated.

A noisy Beauty
A natural phenomenon which attracts a great deal of tourists is ?The Howling Water?, a hydro-geological curiosity created by a linear front of springs on a calcareous tuff massif sediment. The sedimentations, dating back to the Inferior Cretaceous, are passed through by subterranean waters with constant discharge. The unique and splendid image of the springs splattering the ground and the noise they make are the delight of the tourists.


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