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Nr: 22
May- 2006

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The Gypsies? Traditions



On the International Day of the Gypsies, celebrated on the 8th of April, the gypsy communities of Braşov county organized shows to promote their traditions, songs and popular costume. The Community Centre of Tărlungeni hosted an interesting spectacle, with the support of the town hall, the Popular Creation Popular Centre Braşov and local community representatives. The children bands, from Tărlungeni and Comăna, got on stage to compete with each other.

Cultural Contest
The event was the first of its kind. On 18 February took place the first edition of the Gypsy Magyar Bands festival, attended by 140 dancers. ?We are glad to have started this kind of events. The second edition will take place next year in Apaţa. The contest between the bands of Tărlungeni and Comăna de Jos was a real cultural contest. We are happy to see the young gypsies involved in cultural activities?, Kiss Josef, the mayor of Tărlungeni stated.

Hot Dances and flaming Skirts
The members of the Tărlungeni band attend the school in Purcăreni village, under the guidance of Anca Mezei, 22 years old, who teaches them rromani ? the gypsy language. Anca Mezei is member of the Gypsies? Association of Tărlungeni and student of the Institutors College.
Children of Tărlungeni are prepared by Diana Pruteanu, 22 years old, professor of rromani at the local school, the president of the Gypsies? Association of Tărlungeni, a student of two faculties. She is charmed by the gypsy dance: ?The flaming skirts are a jewel of the traditional costume and symbolize the warmth of the gypsy soul. The movements are very frenetic and nothing but watching you feel like dancing?.

Conserving the Tradition
The event was attended by Vergil Teghiu, counsellor on gypsies? issues within the Prefect?s Institution of Braşov county and Lucian Gheorghe, counsellor on gypsies issues within the Town Hall Braşov. ?We would like gypsy children to know rromani language, to communicate with other gypsy children all over the world. This is a good start and a guarantee that the youngsters wants to conserve ant transmit their culture and traditions?, Virgil Techiu stated.

Medals for Gypsies
The Gypsies? Band of Comăna is prepared by the couple Constantin and Lucica Gubernat, who got involved, since 2001, in the cultural activities of the gypsies. ?In 2001 I was requested to attend the inauguration of the International Year of the Languages. We are guiding ever since 20 children of Comăna de Jos. We got results and attended various festivals, where we got awarded. We are proud of those children who dance, sing and love their popular costumes? professor Gubernat stated.


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