Şinca is the most ancient commune in Ţara Făgăraşului, including 6 villages: Şinca Veche ? the commune?s centre, Persani, Sercaita, Ohaba, Bucium and Valcea. Those interested in visiting this place will found an exceptional, interesting and mystical patrimony. The commune?s territory spreads from Persani Mountains, in the north and the east to the Fagaras Montains, in south, with a large opening towards Fagaras depression on the west. The hills crossed by numerous watercourses, the narrow plains, the mountain area covered by beech woods and coniferous forests, the average height mountains dominated by Taga Massive, high 1.648 m, are extremely attractive.
Energetic Patrimony
The firsts archaeological discoveries date back to Neolithic. The ancient Roman way connecting Cumidava fortress (Râşnov at present) and Dacia Superior used to pass through Şinca Veche.
The first mention of the commune in medieval documents is connected to Valacchia and refers, as most of the period?s documents do, to properties or manorial privileges. Since 1989 to nowadays, Şinca has been proving its opening to the values of the occidental civilisation, by promoting those miraculous grounds, unique in the whole world: the rock hewn monastery, the shiny globes, the crystals able to communicate with the afterworld, the heaven chorus.
The Rock hewn Monastery
The six villages are populated by Romanians inhabitants trying incessantly the understand and discover the mysterious history of Şinca Veche. A strange piece of history is the rock hewn Monastery where, according to an ancient belief, the good and pure wishes are fulfilled. ,,The inhabitants call the monastery the Fate?s Temple. People think it is a proper place to express your wishes and to say a prayer on three special days of the year: Saint George?s Day, The Shrovetide and The Transfiguration? reveals Radu Munteanu, the mayor of Şinca.
The shiny Globes
On the negatives of the photographic films, luminescent images ? invisibles at the shooting moment ? appear sometimes as shiny globes with various dimensions consisting in an intense white centre with translucent borders. Nobody can say by what miracle those light spheres appear. The unknown energetic phenomenon of Şinca Veche seems to have the same origin with then mysterious facts that occur in the famous Baciu forest near Cluj Napoca, in the north-west of Romania.
Communication Crystals
Very famous are some quartz crystals trough which the ancient inhabitants used to establish communications from the sacred cave with superior worlds or entities from other dimensions. They say a camera of a reporter had a strange behaviour during a shooting scene, recording pictures that neither the reporter nor the audience had been seen in the cave during the shooting sequence: a diamond of considerable size, a silhouette enshroud in a dark mantle and a luminescent hand on the background. Several testimonies saw the tape at that time.
Other visitors claimed to have heard a four-five voices male chorus from heaven, particularly melodious, performing a kind an ecclesiastic music.
The Watermill
Besides the Fate?s Temple and seven churches (six of them host religious services), the Monastery Bucium, three oratories, the visitors can enjoy a marvellous still functioning watermill in Ohaba village, built in 1873.