Tururi virtuale


Nr: 22
May- 2006

Afaceri între Braşov şi Leeds
Business Contacts with Leeds
Contatti d?affari con la città di Leeds
Fondurile structurale
Funds and Programs
Fondes et programmes
Fondi e programmi
Colegiul Prefectural
The Prefecture?s College
Le Collège Préfectoral
Sculptorul totemic
The totemic Sculptor
Lo scultore totemico
Fonduri europene la Budila
Budila is ready to join the UE
Budila è pronta ad entrarre nell?UE
Plugarul la Cuciulata
The Ploughman?s Custom
Il Costume dell?Aratore
O privatizare de succes
A successful Privatization
Une privatisation de succès
Una privatizzazione esitosa
Miracolele din Şinca
The Temple of Miracles
Le Temple des Miracles
Il Tempio dei Miracoli
Tradiţiile romilor
The Gypsies? Traditions
Les traditions des gitans
Turism antistres la Zărneşti
Anti-stress Tourism at Zărneşti
Tourisme anti-stress à Zarneşti
Profesioniştii muntelui
The Mountain?s Professionals
I professionisti della montagna
Şah la Predeal
Chess at Predeal
Scacco a Predeal
Zilele Braşovului
The Braşov?s Days
I Giorni di Braşov
?Flori din Ţara Bârsei?
?Fleurs de Ţara Bârsei?

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Anti-stress Tourism at Zărneşti


The city of Zărneşti is located at the foot of Piatra Craiului Massif, location with a unique identity thanks to the splendid panorama of the mountains and the secular woods. Thanks to the economical prospective, offered by the touring potential, the development oft he small and medium enterprises and the project currently unfolded or to be unfold with European funds, the town can become a strong economic centre of Ţara Bârsei.

Touring Objectives
The mayor of Zărneşti, Gheorghe Lupu, is always pleased to talk about the remarkable touring objectives of the area: Piatra Craiului Massif ? Piatra Craiului National Park, Zărneşti gaps, Plaiul Foii Touring Area, various chalets and mountain refuges, Colţul Chiliilor hermitage, The Museum inside Saint Nicholas Church, traditional feasts such as ?Floare de colţ? (?The Edelweiss?), natural monuments of both vegetal and animal kingdom. ?The instauration of the Piatra Craiului Massif as National Park and the start-up of the ?Big Carnivores in Carpathians? project opened the prospective to develop the international tourism an the entire area? mayor Lupu stated.

The tourists that chose this area are offered various spare time entertainments: equitation, bicycles, motor light motorcycle and ATV rent, wagon tours, horse sleigh sightseeing, non set up ski slopes, gymnasium, pool and paintball.

European Preoccupations
A commission including the members of the European Integration Office, accompanied by the prefect Aurelian Danu, the sub-prefect Szakal Andras, the County Council?s vice-presidents Vasile Butaru and Marian Rasaliu, and deputy Ion Gonţea recently met the mayors of Zărneşti area. They analyzed various topics such as the investments in infrastructure, the European funds? accession and the preparation for accessing structural funds. The observation of the rights upon the propriety and the strategies to attract investors were other important points. The town offers several opportunities: a reach offer of qualified labour force, a 250 ha area for rent, concession and for sale; touring natural resources; granite quarry (Blidaru Hill) and projects for the development of the business environment (the development of the Industrial Park within SC Tohan Zărneşti, about 20 ha land and buildings).

Anti-stress Tourism
The accommodation possibilities satisfy all the requirements and the landscapes of Piatra Craiului are a unique offer, with a reach fauna: chamois, bears, wild boars and stags. The tourists can choose among the various entertainment offers and practice an anti-stress tourism.
Zărneşti Town Hall
1, Mitropolit I. Metianu Street
Phone: +40 268 515 777
Fax: +40 268 222 012


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