Tururi virtuale


Nr: 178-182
May-September 2019

Inside Brașov 15 ani
Inside Brașov celebrates 15 years
15 Jahre Inside Brașov
15 éves az Inside Brașov România
Feldioara - „Cetatea vie”
Feldioara - “The Living Fortress”
Marienburg - „Die lebendige Burg“
Földvár – az élő vár
Zilele Comunei Hălchiu
Hălchiu Days
Die Tage der Gemeinde Heldsdorf
Höltövényi Napok
Hărman: „Chip magic, văzut în arta țărănească”
Hărman: “Magic guise, revealed by folk art”
Honigberg: „Magischer Antlitz in der Volkskunst“
Höltövényi Napok
Festivalul Vinului Rose’n’Wine 2019
Rose’n’Wine 2019 Wine Festival
Das Weinfestival Rose'n' Wine 2019
Rose’n’Wine 2019 Borfesztivál
Vama Buzăului – Capitala folk-ului românesc
Vama Buzăului – The Romanian folk music capital
Vama Buzăului - Die Hauptstadt der rumänisch Folk-Musik
Bodzavám – a román folk fővárosa
LiBEARty NU este o grădină zoologică
LiBEARty is NOT a zoo
LiBEARty ist kein Zoo
LiBEARty NEM állatkert
Brașov: poveștile orașului
Brașov: Tales of the City
Kronstadt und seine Geschichten
Brassó: a város meséi
Protocol la Curtea Regală
The Royal Court Protocol
Das Protokoll am königlichen Hof
Protokoll a Királyi Udvarban
Expoziţie de artă textilă "Déviations"
The Textile Art Exhibition "Déviations"
Die Textilkunstaustellung "Déviations"
Déviations textilművészeti kiállítás
Cerbul de Aur 2019
Golden Stag 2019
Der Goldene Hirsch 2019
Oktoberfest „2009 VS 2019”
Oktoberfest „2009 VS 2019”
Oktoberfest „2009 vs 2019“
Oktoberfest 2009 VS 2019

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

The Royal Court Protocol


Romania’s Royal Court is the object of several projects of Casa Mureșenilor Museum from Brașov. Among these, we would like to mention the „Art and Ceremony at the Royal Dinners” exhibition organised in partnership with Peleș National Museum, opened at Brașov Museum till September 7th 2019. The theme recalls that back in 1885, Queen Elisabeth suggested, at the Court Ball, for the ladies to be dressed in the old and beautiful rural costume, the Romanian blouse and homespun skirt of their own initiative to be more original and to prove their patriotism. At some thematic balls, the national costume was mandatory.

246 cultural goods

The „Art and Ceremony at the Royal Tables” Exhibition is proposing the visitors a fascinating trip in the daily life of the royal families in Romania during 1866-1930. The exhibition includes 246 cultural goods of special value in the collections of Peleș National Museum, once decorating the royal dinners at Peleș Castle in Sinaia, the summer residence of the royal family.

Art and ceremony

Tourists coming to visit the exhibition are really curious and ask questions: How was the Court ceremony at royal dinners? What was the dress code? Who were the guests? Which were the culinary customs? What kind of plates and cutlery were they using? These are all frequent questions visitors ask.
That is why the temporary exhibition „Art and Ceremony at the Royal Tables” aims at bringing this subject first, following details of the daily life at Romania’s Royal Court.

Protocol and elegance

The table was elegant, the plates - Meissen china, the glasses – Bohemia crystal and the silver cutlery were all glowing in the chandeliers’ pale light. All the people present were waiting for the King to sit first, and when he left, everyone stood. No one could start another course before the sovereign. The Sovereign was starting conversation; there were lots of jokes and laughter. In the evening, after dinner, people were playing society games.

Ileana Gafton Dragoș


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov