Tururi virtuale


Nr: 171-173
October-December 2018

Harta Centenară pe pânză
A centenary map on canvas
Die Jahrhundert-Landkarte auf Tuch
Centenáriumi térkép vásznon
Arhivă de familie virtuală
Virtual family archives
ein virtuelles Familienarchiv
Virtuális családi archívum
Tabără de reconstituire istorică
Historical reconstruction camp
Historische Nachstellung eines Militärlagers
Történelmet újrateremtő tábor
Un secol de artă braşoveană
A century of art in Brasov
Ein Jahrhundert Kronstädter Kunst
Egy évszázadnyi brassói művészet
Brașovul, Sm@rtCult
Brasov, Sm@rtCult
Kronstadt Sm@rtCult
Brassó, Sm@rtCult
Învăţătorul lui Mihai Eminescu, comemorat la Cuciulata
Mihai Eminescu’s teacher, commemorated at Cuciulata
Mihai Eminescus Lehrer in Cuciulata gewürdigt
Mihai Eminescu tanítójára emlékeztek Kucsuláton
Feldioara - Capsula Timpului
Feldioara – A time capsule
Marienburg – Die Zeitkapsel
Földvár – Időkapszula
Migraţia făgărăşenilor în America
The migration of the inhabitants from Fagaras in America
Die Auswanderung der Fogarascher nach Amerika
Lumea fascinantă a satului
The fascinating world of villages
Das Dorfleben von einst
A falu elbűvölő világa
Ziua Stejarului secular
The age-old oak’s day
Der Tag der Jahrhundert-Eiche
Az évszázados Tölgy napja
Povestea unui steag tricolor 1918
The story of a tricolour flag 1918
Die Geschichte einer rumänischen Flagge von 1918
Egy 1918-as trikolór meséje
Unirea în Țara Buzaielor
Union in ‘Țara Buzaielor’ Region
Die Vereinigung im Buzaielor-Land
Egyesülés Bodzaföldön

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Union in ‘Țara Buzaielor’ Region


Țara Buzaielor Region or Întorsura Buzăului depression is an old refugee and shelter area located in the Carpathian Curvature sector, of which Vama Buzaului, Brasov County is also a part. The surroundings were mentioned in the 15th century records, more exactly in 1449. It is well known that Mihai Viteazul, the great people unifier passed through this area. In order to mark this event, the statue of the People Unifier Voivode was built in front of the Secondary School, and the symposium called ‘From the First Union – 1600 to the Great Union 1918’ was organized.

Exposing the statue

For the people living in Vama Buzaului, the exposure of the statue of Mihai Viteazul had a special significance and this day was considered an important day for all Romanians. The statue was placed in the central park, with the thought that it will last for ages and will remind generations to come of the great unifying voivode who lived 400 years ago. The statue was built by the history teacher of Vama Buzaului Secondary School, Mr. Haas Mircea.
The students prepared an artistic moment by which they reminded us of our ancestors and expressed their love for the country.

The history lesson

‘By building and exposing the statue of Mihai Viteazul we are experiencing a real history lesson, because it reminds us that the great voivode was here to gather all Romanians under his sceptre. Today we are honoured to live this moment in the presence of famous historians, students and many important guests. I thank the author of this statue because his work expresses the role of Mihai Viteazul in the Romanian history and what the Centenary means for us, the Romanians’, declared Mr. Tiberiu Nicolae Chirilaș, the Mayor of Vama Buzaului

400 years later

The organizers of this event made a connection between Mihai Viteazul, the regnant of Tara Romaneasca region (1593-1600) who ruled the three great medieval countries forming Romania that is today for a period of time: Țara Românească, Transylvania and Moldavia and the Great Union of 1918, at the Centenary.

Ileana Gafton DRAGOȘ


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