Tururi virtuale


Nr: 171-173
October-December 2018

Harta Centenară pe pânză
A centenary map on canvas
Die Jahrhundert-Landkarte auf Tuch
Centenáriumi térkép vásznon
Arhivă de familie virtuală
Virtual family archives
ein virtuelles Familienarchiv
Virtuális családi archívum
Tabără de reconstituire istorică
Historical reconstruction camp
Historische Nachstellung eines Militärlagers
Történelmet újrateremtő tábor
Un secol de artă braşoveană
A century of art in Brasov
Ein Jahrhundert Kronstädter Kunst
Egy évszázadnyi brassói művészet
Brașovul, Sm@rtCult
Brasov, Sm@rtCult
Kronstadt Sm@rtCult
Brassó, Sm@rtCult
Învăţătorul lui Mihai Eminescu, comemorat la Cuciulata
Mihai Eminescu’s teacher, commemorated at Cuciulata
Mihai Eminescus Lehrer in Cuciulata gewürdigt
Mihai Eminescu tanítójára emlékeztek Kucsuláton
Feldioara - Capsula Timpului
Feldioara – A time capsule
Marienburg – Die Zeitkapsel
Földvár – Időkapszula
Migraţia făgărăşenilor în America
The migration of the inhabitants from Fagaras in America
Die Auswanderung der Fogarascher nach Amerika
Lumea fascinantă a satului
The fascinating world of villages
Das Dorfleben von einst
A falu elbűvölő világa
Ziua Stejarului secular
The age-old oak’s day
Der Tag der Jahrhundert-Eiche
Az évszázados Tölgy napja
Povestea unui steag tricolor 1918
The story of a tricolour flag 1918
Die Geschichte einer rumänischen Flagge von 1918
Egy 1918-as trikolór meséje
Unirea în Țara Buzaielor
Union in ‘Țara Buzaielor’ Region
Die Vereinigung im Buzaielor-Land
Egyesülés Bodzaföldön

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The story of a tricolour flag 1918


Hundreds of children enjoyed an ‘Unconventional Holiday’ in the Garden of the Râșnov Fortress. Over 220 creative workshops and an interactive station called ‘The story of a tricolour flag – 2018’ were organised and the book ‘The story of a tricolour flag – 2018’ was published. The events were part of a series of projects taking place in the premises of a Romanian heritage landmark, using the methods of non-formal education.

A message for Romania

For the Centenary celebration station called ‘The Story of a Tricolour Flag – 2018’, the visitors had at their disposal a special stand with pieces of fabric in the three colours of the Romanian flag, on which they wrote Centenary messages. The pieces of fabric were then glued on wooden panels, thus creating a gigantic flag within the premises of the Batory Tower, in the Garden of the Fortress. The tourists admired the enormous flag and read the messages dedicated to the Centenary.

The book and story of the flag

The people who left messages on the pieces of fabric were given copies of the book entitled ‘The Story of a Tricolour Flag – 1918’. The book tells a story collected by Mr. Ioan Ion Diaconu in 1980, based on actual events that happened in a village in the Apuseni Mountains in 1918. Back then, the women in the village created the tricolour flag that people carried, going to Alba Iulia on foot, to establish the Great Union of 1918. The flag is unusual due to its colours, as the pieces of fabric had been gathered from all the people in the village.
Actually, the flag is still kept at the National Museum of Romanian History.

2000 messages

In a matter of weeks, over 2000 people left a message on the occasion of Romania’s Centenary anniversary. The project called ‘An Unconventional Holiday’ was co-funded by Brasov County Council, through the cultural events funding programme. The event was organised with the support of Râșnov Town Hall, in partnership with the ‘Mioritics’ Association.


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