Tururi virtuale


Nr: 150-153
January-April 2017

Fluturi și flori pe Muntele Tâmpa
Butterflies and flowers on Tampa Mountain
Die Schmetterlinge und Blumen der Zinne
Pillangók és virágok a Cenken
Biserica "Sf. Nicolae" din Șcheii Brașovului
?Sf. Nicolae? Church from Scheii Brasovului quarter
Die "Sf. Nicolae"-Kirche in der Kronstädter Oberen Vorstadt
A porondi Szent Miklós templom
Floriile și Paștile în Transilvania
Palm Sunday and Easter in Transylvania
Palmsonntag und Ostern in Siebenbürgen
Virágvasárnap és húsvét Erdélyben
Paști la Castelul Bran
Easter at the Bran Castle
Ostern in der Törzburg
Húsvét a törcsvári kastélyban
Pe urmele folclorului
On the folklore footsteps
Auf den Spuren der Volkskunst
A folklór nyomában
Portul dăișorean în miniatură
Costumes from Daisoara on a small scale
Die Dăişoara-Tracht in Miniatur
Longodári viselet miniatűrben
Junii Cristianului, ofertă culturală
Juni from Cristian, cultural offer
Junii Cristianului als Kulturangebot
A Junii Cristianului kulturális kínálata
Plugarul, în Țara Făgărașului
?Plugarul? (the Ploughman) in Tara Fagarasului region
Der Ackermann im Fogarascher Land
A szántóvető Fogarasföldön
Primăvara, la Feldioara
Spring in Feldioara
Frühjahr in Marienburg
Tavasz Földváron
Ghimbav: Inima cu trei trandafiri
Ghimbav: the three roses heart
Weidenbach: Das Herz mit den drei Rosen
Vidombák: Szív három rózsával
Hărmanul, legendă vie
Harman, a living legend
Honigberg, lebendige Sagen
Szászhermány, élő legendák
Sânpetru și împrejurimile
Sanpetru and its surroundings
Petersberg und seine Umgebung
Szentpéter és környéke

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Spring in Feldioara



In Feldioara commune, Brasov County, are multiple cultural events marking the beginning of spring: The spring Fair ? in March; Whit Sunday Holiday and Armindeni Holiday ? in June. These events are attended by the entire village, tourists in the country and abroad. On this occasion, tourists have the opportunity to attend shows especially organized for promoting the old customs and traditions.

Vegetation God Day

The day dedicated to the Vegetation God, protector of the cattle, horses, seeded lands, vineyards and orchards is called Armindeni in Transylvania. This holiday starts with a big group of carriages loaded with birch. The young boys decorate the pillars of the gates and of the houses of the girls to be married with green branches, and girls offer them brandy and cookies. The householders also put branches at the entry of the cattle shelters and in other outbuildings, for protection of people and of animals against devastating forces of the evil spirits.

Flowers on the hat

They say that, in the old times for Armindeni holiday, locals used to buy fried lamb and drink red wine mixed with sage brush, for blood changing and for protecting the people and the cattle against illnesses. Each of them had to wear lilac flowers and green sage brush: men on their hats, and women in their lap or in their pockets, ?so they are protected against evil and lucky all year round?. Nowadays, for Armindeni holiday, the carriage group is still performed, and armindeni are placed at the doors, and they put out a show and a great party.

Other events

- ?Teutonic Knights return to the Feldioara Citadel? Festival ? September;
- Feldioara Days ? September;
- Retired People Days ? November;
- Winter Fair ? December;
- "Winter Spirit" Christmas Festival ? on Christmas Eve.
Those who want to attend the events may also visit the main touristic objectives in Feldioara:
- Ruins of the Medieval Citadel (Southern limit of the locality);
- Evangelical Church (Easter area of the locality);
- Saxons Students Monument (South-Western limit of the locality).


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