Sanpetru and its surroundings
Sanpetru Commune, Brasov County, is only 4 kilometres far from Brasov Municipality and it is located at the basis of Lempes Citadel Hill. It is interesting both from a historic point of view, thanks to the Transylvanian Saxon citadel, ?Sf. Nicolae? Church (Saint Nicholas Church) and its legends, and also thanks to the ?Dealul Lempes? (Lempes Hill) Natural Reservation. Nowadays, Sanpetru Commune is in full economic, agricultural touristic and cultural ? historic growth. The local authorities invest in preserving its assets and in upgrading the infrastructure.
Cultural and historic objectives
In Sanpetru Commune are developed tourism promotion projects, aiming at turning this commune in an attractive tourism destination. ?The Town Hall and the Local Council of Sanpetru supports the activities aiming at developing the commune and continue the initiated promotion projects of the touristic potential of Sanpetru commune, for which we were granted European funds at the beginning. Our main touristic objectives are: the Evangelical Church, the Orthodox Church, shaped as a ship, and Dealul Lempes Scientific Reservation?, declared Mr Ion Rusu, Mayor of Sanpetru Commune.
Cultural agenda
Throughout the year there are several promoting events, among which: ?Rușcuța de primăvară? Festival, opened by the Juni from Sanpetru, who parade on the streets of the commune and invite the locals and the tourists to the festival; ?Days of Sanpetru Commune? and ?Zâmbetul copiilor? Festival, promoting young talents. The cultural events are an authentic parade of the traditional costumes and promote traditional dances and songs. There are also invited popular craftsmen, who present the traditional crafts of the area.
Invitation to Sanpetru
Alongside with all these events, another attractive item is ?Iosif Șilimon? Air club from Sanpetru, where tourists can fly and admire the entire view of the commune, as well as its surroundings. Those who are interested may visit ?Dealul Lempes? Natural Reservation, where they can see a diverse range of flowers, among which there is the spotted tulip and Rușcuța de primăvară, flowers that are protected by law, about which tourists can find out some legends. Rușcuța de primăvară flower can be seen even in this holiday, since it blossoms around Easter.