Tururi virtuale


Nr: 138-141
January-April 2016

Colonie de castori, la Braşov
Beaver colony in Brasov
Die Biberkolonie in Kronstadt
Hódpopuláció Brassóban
Gala Premiilor Anului 2015 în Cultură
Cultural Awards for 2015 Gala
Kultur-Preisgala 2015
A 2015-ös év kulturális díjainak gálája
Artizani braşoveni
Artisans from Brasov
Kronstädter Handwerker
Brassói kézművesek
Paştele Catolic
Catholic Easter
Katholische Ostern
A katolikus húsvét
Târgul Mărţişorului
Martisor (trinket worn in honour of March 1rst) Fair
Márciuska vásár
Câșlegile și pețitul fetelor
Shrovetide and girls wooing
Die Vorfastenzeit und der Heiratsantrag
Leánykérések ideje
Feldioara: Agenda culturală 2016
Feldioara: Cultural Agenda for 2016
Marienburg: Kulturagenda 2016
Kulturális rendezvények 2016
Ghimbav: Balul portului popular
Ghimbav: Traditional clothing ball
Weidenbach: Der Trachtenball
Vidombák: Népviselet bálja
Hărman, tradiţii autentice
Harman, genuine traditions
Echte Traditionen in Honigberg
Hermány, élő hagyományok
,,Roata în flăcări", la Şinca Nouă
,,Wheel on fire" at Sinca Noua
"Flammenrad" in Şinca Nouă
Tűzkerék Újsinkán
Teliu, vatră culturală
Teliu, a cultural hearth
Teliu als Kulturstätte
Keresztvár ? kulturális központ
"Gânduri în lemn"
"Wooden thoughts"
"Gedanken in Holz"
Fába vésett gondolatok

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Feldioara: Cultural Agenda for 2016



The City Hall of Feldioara commune, County of Brasov, continues the projects for promoting the cultural sights, the ancient customs and traditions, for the purpose of increasing the attractiveness of Romania as tourist destination. The festival named ?The Teutonic Knights Returning to Feldioara Citadel? and the Christmas Festival ?Winter Spirit? are organized as part of this project. Other events are linked to the Pentecost holiday reviving an old local custom called ?Maypole Holiday? or the ?Raising of the Maypole?.

Events schedule:

- Spring Fair ? March;
- Pentecost Holiday and Maypole Holiday ? June;
- The Festival ?Teutonic Knights return to Feldioara Citadel? ? September;
- Feldioara Holidays ? September;
- Retired People?s Day ? November;
- Winter Fair ? December;
- ?Winter Spirit? Christmas Festival ? Christmas Eve.

Tourism attractions

Those who want to attend the events may also visit the main sights in Feldioara:
- The ruins of the Medieval Citadel (southern end of the locality);
- The Evangelic Church (eastern side of the locality);
- The Monument of the Transylvanian Saxons Students (south-western end of the locality);


In Rotbav village, within Feldioara commune, tourists may visit the following sights:
- The Evangelic Church (near road E60);
- The lake area near the locality, considered to be one of the destinations preferred by fishermen in the country and from abroad.

Useful information

Identification of the access ways to the tourism attractions shall be made by means of the indicators placed inside the locality, and the information about access routes, including the train schedule of the trains arriving in Feldioara may be found on the site www.viziteazafeldioara.ro which also includes presentations of the commune history and on the site of the City Hall www.primaria-feldioara.ro.


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