Tururi virtuale


Nr: 138-141
January-April 2016

Colonie de castori, la Braşov
Beaver colony in Brasov
Die Biberkolonie in Kronstadt
Hódpopuláció Brassóban
Gala Premiilor Anului 2015 în Cultură
Cultural Awards for 2015 Gala
Kultur-Preisgala 2015
A 2015-ös év kulturális díjainak gálája
Artizani braşoveni
Artisans from Brasov
Kronstädter Handwerker
Brassói kézművesek
Paştele Catolic
Catholic Easter
Katholische Ostern
A katolikus húsvét
Târgul Mărţişorului
Martisor (trinket worn in honour of March 1rst) Fair
Márciuska vásár
Câșlegile și pețitul fetelor
Shrovetide and girls wooing
Die Vorfastenzeit und der Heiratsantrag
Leánykérések ideje
Feldioara: Agenda culturală 2016
Feldioara: Cultural Agenda for 2016
Marienburg: Kulturagenda 2016
Kulturális rendezvények 2016
Ghimbav: Balul portului popular
Ghimbav: Traditional clothing ball
Weidenbach: Der Trachtenball
Vidombák: Népviselet bálja
Hărman, tradiţii autentice
Harman, genuine traditions
Echte Traditionen in Honigberg
Hermány, élő hagyományok
,,Roata în flăcări", la Şinca Nouă
,,Wheel on fire" at Sinca Noua
"Flammenrad" in Şinca Nouă
Tűzkerék Újsinkán
Teliu, vatră culturală
Teliu, a cultural hearth
Teliu als Kulturstätte
Keresztvár ? kulturális központ
"Gânduri în lemn"
"Wooden thoughts"
"Gedanken in Holz"
Fába vésett gondolatok

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Artisans from Brasov


The Ethnography Museum Brasov hosted the varnishing of the exhibition "Artisans from Brasov - Valeria Neuvirt, puppets from corn husks and Gabriela Bularca, crochet toys", continuing thus the series of exhibitions dedicated to handwrought art. Made from good quality natural materials, the toys in the exhibition from the Ethnography Museum is dedicated to children of all ages, as an alternative to serial toys we can find everywhere.

Husk blended figurines

The corn husk blended figurines of Valeria Neuvirt turn into authentic characters populating the ancient village world: the sower, the reaper, the woman kneading bread, the shepherd, the townswoman or the woodcutter, the carol singers, all of them attracting the spectator by the easiness and the heat they generate. The corn leaves are ecologic, they must be worked with while wet, and many operations are necessary till the figurine is ready. Some leaves may be painted. A puppet made of corn leaves may be done in 15 ? 30 minutes. The final result: real works of art.

Crochet toys

Made of resistant threads of cotton, wool or acrylic in a specific design and colour palette, the crochet toys made by Gabriela Bularca invite us to play with them; they are simple, funny and novel, each one of them having a name, mouse Emil, chicken Franco, ladybird Ingrid, accompanied by a story. All the toys seem to carry a part of the author?s soul and the children who participate in the creation workshop develop their intelligence and creativity. Up to now, 29 children took a toy making course: mice, chicken, owls and all kinds of artisanal objects. They learned how to handle the crochet, and eventually how to make their own toys.

School and creativity

"The exhibition represents the collaboration between the Ethnography Museum and two artisans from Brasov, presenting the art of natural fibres braiding. School workshops the children attend are an alternative for the computer. School must include creativity programs in which all those in charge with children education are involved. The exhibition opened today is very attractive both for children and for adults." declared Ligia Fulda, PhD, the manager of the Ethnography Museum Brasov.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov