Tururi virtuale


Nr: 135-137
October-December 2015

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"Brasov 2021"
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"Brassó 2021"
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Mountain ascent
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Jocul strămoşesc de la Crucea Dreptăţii
The ancestral dance at the Justice Cross
Alter Brauch beim Kreuz der Gerechtigkeit
Ősi tánc az Igazságkeresztnél
Brașovul, capitala jocurilor tradiționale
Brasov, the capital of traditional games
Kronstadt ? Hauptstadt traditioneller Kinderspielen
Brassó, a hagyományos játékok fővárosa
Obiceiuri de Crăciun și Anul Nou
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"Fulg de Nea"
"Snow Flake"
Zestrea comunei Hărman
The dower of village Harman
Ein Kulturerbe der Gemeinde Honigberg
Szászhermány öröksége
Viitor ecologic, la Vama Buzăului
Ecological future in Vama Buzaului
Ökologische Zukunft in Vama Buzăului
Ökológiai jövő Bodzavámon
,,Muzeul Ursuleţilor de pluş"
,,Teddy bear Museum"
"Das Museum der Stoffbären"
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Brasov, the capital of traditional games


During April-November 2015 "George Baritiu" County Library from Brasov implemented the cultural project named "Brasov, the capital of traditional games", financed by a Grant offered by Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the Romanian Government, within the PA17/RO13 Program - Promoting the cultural and art diversity within the European cultural heritage. The project aimed at acknowledging, reviving, promoting and developing the traditional games for children, which are parts of the non-material cultural heritage and of multiculturalism from Transylvania.

The "Auras Pacuras" Song

The project "Brasov, capital of traditional games" suggested an original method of developing the traditional games, by organizing the "Auras Pacuras" competition between schools, attended by children, teachers and volunteers. 10 traditional games from Tara Barsei region, specific to Romanian people and to ethnic groups, were revived within this contest: ?Blind man?s buff? ("Baba Oarba"),?Rooster hunt? ("Împușcatul cocosului"), ?Into the fire? ("În foc"), ?Holes game? ("De-a găurelele"), "Tzicul" game (De-a bătutele), Transylvanian Saxon circles game, ?Little jar game? ("De-a borcănelul"), ?The stick? ("Nuiaua") "la Stobor", "Halea-malea", old games revived by the historian Alexandru Stanescu.

Educational purpose

The traditional games have also been promoted and presented in other educational and cultural events: a demonstration within the Summer Kindergarten organized by the Department for Children and Youth of ?George Baritiu? County Library of Brasov, where 15 children participated; the dissemination of games and of the project within the Open Park festival, where more than 40 children participated.

Sustainability and continuity

The project shall continue due to the collected documentation and to over 30 teachers and more than 50 trained volunteers who shall be able to practice at any time the traditional games in schools and within the cultural-educational events for children. The continuity of the partnerships with the schools within Brasov County shall set the grounds for increasing the number of children to learn the traditional games, as well as facilitating the transfer of information to other educational institutions, which will lead to encouraging the students to involve themselves in the cultural-educational activities, in an interactive-participating manner.


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