Tururi virtuale


Nr: 132-134
July-September 2015

Brașov 2021 - Capitala Europeană a Culturii
Brasov 2021 - The European Capital of Culture
Kronstadt/Braşov 2021 ? Europäische Kulturhauptstadt
Brassó 2021 - Európa Kulturális Fővárosa
Păpușarii ARLECHINO și secretele lor
ARLECHINO puppeteers and their secrets
Die Arlechino-Puppen und ihre Geheimnisse
Mesék Karavánja
"Crai Nou"
"Crai Nou"
"Crai Nou"
Új király
Aleea cărții
The book lane
Die Buchallee
Garofița Pietrei Craiului
Garofița Pietrei Craiului Festival
Das Festival "Königstein-Nelke"
Királykői szekfű
Brand românesc: Ia
Romanian brand: the Ie (Romanian traditional shirt)
Die Ia-Bluse ? ein echt rumänisches Markenzeichen
Román brand: a hímzett ing
Festivalul Pescăresc "Delta din Carpați"
"Delta din Carpati" (the Carpathian Delta) fishing festival
Das Fischfestival "Das Delta der Karpaten"
A Kárpátok Deltája Halfesztivál
Sala Tronului, redeschisă după 50 de ani
The Throne Room, reopened after 50 years
Der Thronsaal ? nach 50 Jahre wieder offen
A tróntermet 50 év múltán
Feldioara, o istorie impresionantă
Feldioara, an impressive history
Marienburg ? beeindruckende Geschichte
Földvár- lenyűgöző történelem
Zilele Ghimbavului
The Days of Ghimbav
Die Weidenbacher Tage
Vidombáki napok
Hălchiul și comorile trecutului
Halchiu and the treasures of the past
Heldsdorf und seine Schätze der Vergangenheit
Höltövény és a múlt kincsei
Teliu: ateliere de sculptură, piele şi lut
Teliu: sculpture, leather and pottery workshops
Teliu: Werkstätte für Skulptur, Leder- und Tonbearbeitung
Keresztvár: művésztábor

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The Throne Room, reopened after 50 years


The Throne Room inside the Castle in Fagaras Citadel was reopened to the public, after 50 years of being locked up. Now, tourists may admire the 74 armchairs and a throne, several chandeliers, vintage furniture, but also an armours and old weapons collection. Other restorations were also made to the Prince?s Room near the Red Tower. All these investments lead to obtaining a Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor, and the castle inside the Fagaras Citadel was declared as the second most beautiful castle in the entire world.

Historical respect

Built at the end of the 15th century, in Renaissance style, the Great Throne Room went through centuries and gave a great meaning to the Fagaras Citadel by turning it into a respected monumental edifice admired by princes, leaders and travellers.
In this impressive room, also named as the Big Palace in documents, the messengers from Tara Romaneasca and Moldavia regions, those of the great ataman of Poland, or of the Ottoman Porte were received. This was also the place where the Transylvanian Diet carried out its activities and Leopold?s Diploma serving as the Constitution of Transylvania until 1848 was accepted. From 1948 to 1960 it was a communist jail, while the Throne Room remained a degraded room until now, when it was restored and rendered in all its glory.

The entire citadel, visited

Starting this summer, tourists can visit the entire citadel, consisting of three sections: the lake surrounding the Citadel, the defensive walls with the towers and the Castle inside the yard, consisting of first floor and two upper floors. The rooms bring together the elegance and the beauty of the vintage interiors with the flexibility of spaces suitable for conferences, symposiums, bilateral or international presentations, teambuilding and training sessions, workshops, national and international events.

Open hours

The Fagaras Citadel is open for tourist visiting from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
The price of a ticket is 10 Lei.
Tourists can visit, included in the same price, the "Valer Literat" Museum of Tara Fagarasului hosting a patrimony of more than 20,000 pieces.


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