Tururi virtuale


Nr: 123-125
October-December 2014

Înfrăţire Braşov ? Nurnberg
Twinning between the Cities of Brasov and Nuremberg
Die Städtefreundschaft Kronstadt ? Nürnberg
Brassó ? Nürnberg testvérkapcsolat
Proiecte de interes comunitar
Projects of Public Interest
Projekte mit Gemeindecharakter
Közösségi tervek
Braşov: Magia staţiunilor montane
Brasov: the Magic of Mountain resorts
Kronstadt/Braşov: Der Zauber der Bergkurorte
Brassó: hegyi üdülők mágiája
Biserica "Sf. Bartolomeu"
St. Bartholomew`s Church
Die Bartholomäus-Kirche
A Szent Bertalan templom
Sinagoga "Casa lui Israel"
?The House of Israel? Synagogue
Die Synagoge "Das Haus Israel"
Az Izrael háza zsinagóga
Folclor autentic, la Dumbrăviţa
Genuine Folklore in Dumbravita
Echte Folklore in Dumbrăviţa
Autentikus folklór Szúnyogszéken
Vizitează Feldioara!
Pay a visit to Feldioara!
Einladung zu einem Besuch
Látogass Földvárra!
Vacanţă de suflet, la Homorod
A Perfect Getaway in Homorod
Sommerferien in Hamruden
Vakáció Homoródon
Sânpetru: "Zâmbetul copiilor"
Sanpetru: ?A smile on children?s faces?
Petersberg: "Das Lächeln der Kinder"
Szentpéter: Gyermekek mosolya
Surate ? fraţi de cruce
Spiritual Brotherhood
Teliu: Identitate şi diversitate
Teliu: Identity and Diversity
Teliu: Identität und Vielfalt
Keresztvár: identitás és diverzitás
Vama Buzăului: Tradiţie
Tradition in Vama Buzaului
Tradition in Vama Buzăului
Bodzavám: hagyomány

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?The House of Israel? Synagogue


The Jewish Community from Brasov and the Zionist Association from Romania have organized this year several memorial events at the Brasov Community Centre. Here hundreds of Jewish communities from Romania were evoked, as well as their impressive destinies before and after the Holocaust, and the main Jewish holidays were celebrated. A unique moment in the history of the Jewish Community from Brasov was the moment when the Synagogue in Poarta Schei Street got the name of "Beit Israel", meaning "The House of Israel". Personalities of the religious, cultural and political life, as well as a great number of students and undergraduates from Brasov attended the event.

A Suggestive Name

The Synagogue from Brasov, situated in Poarta Schei Street, is 115 years old. During all this time it did not have its own name. ?Beit Israel ? The House of Israel is a suggestive name we gave to the Synagogue, just like a new born is given a name, and it stands for something that has just begun. The new generation will carry on the activity of this sacred place, preserving the Jewish belief and tradition. It is an open home for everyone and let me here say that there are few Synagogues opened every day for everyone, like ours, and it is not guarded by the Police. Brasov is a magic town, which inspires peace, friendship and trust, and this Synagogue is like a small Israel?, said Mr. Tiberiu Roth, President of the Jewish Community from Brasov.

The Stained Glass - The Connection with Israel

70 years ago, the Synagogue from Brasov had stained glass with the names of those who paid for its maintenance. Nowadays, the place of worship has new stained glass containing the blazons of the cities where the Jewish who left Brasov or Romania currently live. All the symbols represent a bridge between Romania and Israel.
The shofar is the instrument calling the Jewish for the gathering. When the Synagogue in Poarta Schei Street was named "Beit Israel", the shofar gathered more than 200 Jewish in the Synagogue from Brasov.

A one-time experience

?This is a one-time experience and I am happy that the Synagogue from Brasov has a name. The stained glass here represents 23 Israeli cities and shows the connection that exists between this community and the State of Israel. The Jewish here contribute to the political, economic and cultural development of the country. Moreover, the contribution of the Jewish communities from Romania has an enormous value for the formation of the State of Israel. I truly appreciate the community from Brasov, who keeps the memory of those who disappeared in the Holocaust alive?, said Mr. Dan Ben-Eliezer, Ambassador of Israel to Bucharest.


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