Tururi virtuale


Nr: 108-110
July-September 2013

Braşovul, capitala turismului montan
Brasov, capital of mountainous tourism
Kronstadt ? die Hauptstadt des Bergtourismus
Brassó: a hegyi turizmus fővárosa
Proiect româno-polonez: Transhumanţa 2013
Romanian-Polish project: Transhumance 2013
Ein rumänisch-polnisches Projekt: Transhumanz 2013
Román?lengyel terv: kétlegelős pásztorkodás 2013
Oktoberfest 2013, la cote maxime
Oktoberfest 2013 at its peak
Oktoberfest 2013 verspricht Höchstwerte an Unterhaltung
Oktoberfest 2013: csúcsrajáratva
Festivalul fanfarelor, la Codlea
The Brass Band Festival in Codlea
Das Blasmusik-Festival in Zeiden
Fúvószenekarok fesztiválja Feketehalomban
Turism ecumenic, la Cristian
Ecumenical Tourism in Cristian
Ökumene-Tourismus in Neustadt
Ökumenikus turizmus Keresztényfalván
Rusaliile, la Feldioara
The Pentecost in Feldioara
Pfingsten in Marienburg
Pünkösd Földváron
Zilele Ghimbavului 2013
The Days of Ghimbav 2013
Die Weidenbacher Tage 2013
Vidombák napjai 2013
Stejarul din Mercheaşa
The Oak Tree from Mercheasa
Die Eiche in Streitfort
A mirkvásári tölgy
Lisa: Farmecul unei comune
Lisa: The Charm of a Commune
Lisa: Der Zauber einer Gemeinde
Lisza: egy község varázsa
Cetatea Rupea: Suflet şi Divinitate
Citadel Rupea: Soul and Divinity
Die Repser Burg: Seele und Göttliches
Kőhalom vára: Lélek és istenség
Zilele Sânpetrului, Ediţia a XVIII-a
The 18th Edition of the Days of Sanpetru,
Die XVIII. Auflage der Petersberger Tage
Szentpéter napjai, XVIII. kiadás
Măsura Laptelui, la Şirnea
Measurement of the Milk in Sirnea
Das Milchvermessen in Şirnea
Tejmérés Şirneán
Tabăra de sculptură de la Teliu: "Tradiţii vechi în spirit nou"
SINAPSA - Festival Internaţional de Artă Creştină Românească

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Brasov, capital of mountainous tourism



The Executive of the County Council (CJ) Brasov, together with the representatives of the Department Growth Pole for the Development of the Metropolitan Brasov met and made the corrections at the portfolio of projects of Brasov county for the period 2014 - 2020. Important projects regarding the development, rehabilitation and modernization of transport infrastructure, consolidation and modernization of the county economy, the improvement of the sector`s environmental management systems and tourism development have been discussed.

Tourism during all seasons

"The county of Brasov has a diversified cultural-historical patrimony, and its location in the middle of the country represents an advantage. My wish is for Brasov to become the capital of mountainous tourism, due to the spectacular mountains concentrating various natural reserves. The strong point is given by the mountainous resorts providing recreation possibilities all year long. This is the reason for which we pay special attention to these tourist areas by making projects, but we also focus out attention on the safety of tourists ensured by the County Rescue Team Service," declared Mr. Aristotel Cancescu, the President of the County Council Brasov.

Common projects

The following common suggestions for the development of tourism are included in the portfolio of projects of Brasov county for 2014 ? 2020:
- Development of tourist areas - Piatra Mare area, Ciucas area, Olt area (Oltului Valley);
- Development of tourist itineraries (renewal of trails, maps, information boards, signalling of tourist attractions, rehabilitation of access ways to attractions);
- Implementation of a management system for the travel destination;
- Stadium with a capacity of more than 35,000 inhabitants, location specially arranged for events with more than 10,000 participants;
- Making thematic amusement parks? Feldioara ? Bran;
- Extending the skiing area ? 2nd phase;
- Making a gondola between Poiana Brasov and Brasov;
- Extending Brasov Zoo;
- Rehabilitation of the Historical centre of town Brasov.

Safety of tourists

"By the Rescue Team Service we take into consideration the safety of the tourist and the most important actions are undertaken to prevent mountainous accidents by: re-development of mountainous trails; marking and remarking the mountainous trails; training the mountain rescuers from the county of Brasov; equipping the Rescue Team with specific equipment and transmit-receive radio stations and mobile phones," declared Mr. Mihai Pascu, the Vice-President of the County Council Brasov.


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