Tururi virtuale


Nr: 90-92
January-March 2012

Investiţii în turismul istoric
Investments in historical sites
Investitionen in den Geschichte-Tourismus
A történelmi turizmus támogatása
Muzeul "Prima Şcoală Românească"
The "First Romanian School" Museum
Das Museum der ersten rumänischen Schule
Az első román iskolának szentelt múzeum
Alaiul Măscăricilor din Şcheii Braşovului
The Mask Procession from Scheii Brasovului
Der Schalken-Zug im Şchei-Stadtteil
Pojácafelvonulás a Bolgárszegen
Arderea păpuşilor la Budila
Doll Burning in Budila
Puppen werden angezündet
Bábuégetés Bodolán
Codlea: "Mărţişoare pentru mame"
Codlea: "Gifts called Mărtisor for mothers"
Codlea/Zeiden: "Märzchen für die Mütter"
Feketehalom: Márciuskák az édesanyáknak
Cristian: Festivalul Roainei
The Festival Roaina from Cristian
Neustadt: Das Roaina-Fest
Keresztényfalva: A Roaina fesztivál
Noul An Turistic
The New Year for Tourism
Das neue touristische Jahr
A turizmus új éve
15 Martie
March 15th
Der 15. März
Március 15.
Prejmer: Alaiul clătitelor
The Pancake Parade from Prejmer
Tartlau: Der Pfannkuchen-Zug
Prázsmár: Palacsintaparádé
Balul Însuraţilor
The Married Couples Ball
Der Abend der Verheirateten
Házasok bálja
Teliu: Carnavalul copiilor
The Children?s Carnival in Teliu
Teliu: Der Kinderkarneval
Keresztvár: Gyermekkarnevál
Cursa Trăsniţilor
The Crazy Race
Das Verrückte Rennen
Tébolyultak Futama

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The "First Romanian School" Museum



The opening of the Romanian Culture Museum from Scheii Braşovului neighbourhood, as it was formerly called 50 years ago took place on the feast day of apostles Saints Peter and Paul, under the patronage of St. Nicolas Church, on June 29th 1961. Through a joint effort of the protopope at that time, Mr. Vasile Coman, PhD, the bishop to come of Oradia, the parish priest, Mr. Iuliu Isa, PhD, and professor Mr. Ion Colan, PhD (the librarian of the church at that time) and with the blessing of His Highness Nicolae Colan, PhD, the Metropolitan of Ardeal, an old wish of the Romanians from Scheii Braşovului came true.
Rare books
The intention to create such a museum existed a long time before and belonged to the great hierarch Andrei Saguna, who said, in a letter send on May 14th 1858 to the Central Schools Board of Brasov, that the Library of St. Nicholas is the oldest and the richest in rare ecclesiastic books. "Now, after 50 years since its creation, with the blessing of His Highness Laurentiu Streza, PhD, the Metropolitan of Ardeal, we are ready to celebrate this event. Starting with December 1st 2011, on the occasion of the semicentennial, we have organized a series of moments dedicated to this event, but we have also considered presenting rare books from the Museum," said Priest Professor Vasile Olteanu, PhD, Manager of the "The First Romanian School" Museum.
Cultural events
The 50th anniversary of the foundation of the First Romanian School Museum was celebrated through a series of events: symposiums, competitions and liturgical services. The main event took place on December 1st, on the occasion of the National Day of Romania, when a group of priests organized a service of commemoration in the Unification Square, at the roadside crucifix, in front of the Unknown Hero Monument. A Christmas tree was installed in front of the roadside crucifix. Other events organized within the semicentennial included: the competition "The Church, the School and Andrei Saguna in Documents from Brasov", the competition addressed to the school students from Brasov at three categories: the beginning of education in Brasov, the history of churches in Brasov and the personality of the Metropolitan Andrei Saguna.
Visiting the Museum

We invite you all to visit the rooms of the "First Romanian School" Museum: the Classroom "Anton Pann", which reminds of the places that the storyteller visited, the Room "Diaconul Coresi", the Room "The Book and the Scholars of Brasov" (copyists, translators, creators of literary language, music and art), the Room "The Book, a Mean of National Unity " and the Room with hearth, a small ethnographic scene represented by hearth, icons on glass and domestic items specific to Şcheii.

Website: www.primascoalaromaneasca.ro


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