Tururi virtuale


Nr: 90-92
January-March 2012

Investiţii în turismul istoric
Investments in historical sites
Investitionen in den Geschichte-Tourismus
A történelmi turizmus támogatása
Muzeul "Prima Şcoală Românească"
The "First Romanian School" Museum
Das Museum der ersten rumänischen Schule
Az első román iskolának szentelt múzeum
Alaiul Măscăricilor din Şcheii Braşovului
The Mask Procession from Scheii Brasovului
Der Schalken-Zug im Şchei-Stadtteil
Pojácafelvonulás a Bolgárszegen
Arderea păpuşilor la Budila
Doll Burning in Budila
Puppen werden angezündet
Bábuégetés Bodolán
Codlea: "Mărţişoare pentru mame"
Codlea: "Gifts called Mărtisor for mothers"
Codlea/Zeiden: "Märzchen für die Mütter"
Feketehalom: Márciuskák az édesanyáknak
Cristian: Festivalul Roainei
The Festival Roaina from Cristian
Neustadt: Das Roaina-Fest
Keresztényfalva: A Roaina fesztivál
Noul An Turistic
The New Year for Tourism
Das neue touristische Jahr
A turizmus új éve
15 Martie
March 15th
Der 15. März
Március 15.
Prejmer: Alaiul clătitelor
The Pancake Parade from Prejmer
Tartlau: Der Pfannkuchen-Zug
Prázsmár: Palacsintaparádé
Balul Însuraţilor
The Married Couples Ball
Der Abend der Verheirateten
Házasok bálja
Teliu: Carnavalul copiilor
The Children?s Carnival in Teliu
Teliu: Der Kinderkarneval
Keresztvár: Gyermekkarnevál
Cursa Trăsniţilor
The Crazy Race
Das Verrückte Rennen
Tébolyultak Futama

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The Children?s Carnival in Teliu



The fourth edition of the Children's Carnival was organized in commune Teliu, county of Brasov and it has become a true masked parade. Whereas in other areas of Brasov County the participants in the carnival were young people and adults, here only the children coming from the Excellence Couloir Prejmer-Budila-Teliu took part. The Carnival includes a series of events featuring fairytale characters, masks and mummies. All these used elements are intended to leave the old year behind and make way for the new year to come.

The masked parade

"We are glad that customs and traditions were revived in this Excellence Couloir and we appreciate the fact that both the school and the parents got involved, making such an exceptional cultural event possible, then turned into a true masked parade. The children have taken this event seriously and each of them wanted to embody an enduring mythological character that fought against evil and let the good triumph. The Children?s Carnival is a special event which adds to other cultural events taking place in Brasov County before the Shrove Tuesday," said Mr. Vasile Serban, Mayor of Teliu.

The mask contests

After they had carefully made their masks, the children registered for the mask contests at two categories: very young kids and juniors. They participated in interactive contests, performed artistic moments, in workshops and proudly displayed their works. The youth have been a role model in resurrecting this event and promised for the next editions to engage themselves into a real research action in order to revive old forgotten Christian or non-Christian characters.

Massive participation

The middle-school students and the kindergarten children from Teliu, the children from the Day Centre "Greierasul" from Teliu, the middle-school students from Budila, the children from the Day Centre Prejmer and the middle-school students from Vama Buzaului performed, one at a time, on a specially installed stage.
At its fourth edition, the Children's Carnival also attracted a lot of tourists who whished to take part in the mask competitions bringing their own children who left home with an unforgettable story to tell.


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