Tururi virtuale


Nr: 90-92
January-March 2012

Investiţii în turismul istoric
Investments in historical sites
Investitionen in den Geschichte-Tourismus
A történelmi turizmus támogatása
Muzeul "Prima Şcoală Românească"
The "First Romanian School" Museum
Das Museum der ersten rumänischen Schule
Az első román iskolának szentelt múzeum
Alaiul Măscăricilor din Şcheii Braşovului
The Mask Procession from Scheii Brasovului
Der Schalken-Zug im Şchei-Stadtteil
Pojácafelvonulás a Bolgárszegen
Arderea păpuşilor la Budila
Doll Burning in Budila
Puppen werden angezündet
Bábuégetés Bodolán
Codlea: "Mărţişoare pentru mame"
Codlea: "Gifts called Mărtisor for mothers"
Codlea/Zeiden: "Märzchen für die Mütter"
Feketehalom: Márciuskák az édesanyáknak
Cristian: Festivalul Roainei
The Festival Roaina from Cristian
Neustadt: Das Roaina-Fest
Keresztényfalva: A Roaina fesztivál
Noul An Turistic
The New Year for Tourism
Das neue touristische Jahr
A turizmus új éve
15 Martie
March 15th
Der 15. März
Március 15.
Prejmer: Alaiul clătitelor
The Pancake Parade from Prejmer
Tartlau: Der Pfannkuchen-Zug
Prázsmár: Palacsintaparádé
Balul Însuraţilor
The Married Couples Ball
Der Abend der Verheirateten
Házasok bálja
Teliu: Carnavalul copiilor
The Children?s Carnival in Teliu
Teliu: Der Kinderkarneval
Keresztvár: Gyermekkarnevál
Cursa Trăsniţilor
The Crazy Race
Das Verrückte Rennen
Tébolyultak Futama

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The Married Couples Ball



In town Rupea, county of Brasov, which lies along the cultural road linking Brasov to Sighisoara, there are two ancient customs giving the locals the opportunity to show their respect for the regional costume. These are the Folk Costume Ball and the Married Couples Ball.
Whereas only the people who are not married participate in the Christmas Singles Ball, at the Folk Costume Ball the participants wear traditional specific costumes, irrespective of their place of origin or ethnic group. Only the married couples can take part in the Married Couples Ball.

A heart-touching celebration

The Folk Costume Ball revives, for one night, the wonderful atmosphere from the times when people used to organize balls where they socialized, had fun and proudly displayed their delightful and pompous folk costume of Rupea. It was a great honour for the villagers to wear this regional costume which represented their visiting card.
"It is a heart-touching celebration which gathers both the sons of the village left from home and those who remained. The event takes places at the beginning of each year in the famous Fortress of Cohalm. The youth and the elderly are doing their best to make all daily problems disappear for one evening, and bring instead joy and the pride of being from Rupea. This is because, unlike other places of the country, the traditional garments are much more than a symbol," said Mr. Vasile Danciu, one of the sons of the village.

Celebrating authenticity

The folk costume of Rupea is unique and sumptuous, being adjusted according to age and category: the youth, the adults and the elderly. The folk costume ball was first created 38 years ago from a desire to celebrate authenticity and make the coming generations aware of their roots, so to preserve what is valuable over time.
This year a large number of people took part in this event, coming from the surrounding villages: Cuciulata, Fantana, Comana, Crihalma, Ticusul Nou, Daisoara, Merchiasa and Jibert. Everyone displayed their beautiful regional costume, specific to their own village, which enhanced the importance of the event.

Place specificity

Besides the folk costumes parade, there were also folk dances specific to the place of origin of each participant. It is for the first time that such a complex event takes place, addressing not only to the people from Rupea, but also to those who once were part of raion Rupea (raion = type of administrative unit of several post-Soviet countries).
The groups called Junii Brasovului, Junii Brasovecheni, the inhabitants from Ungra also took part in the Folk Costume Ball and they displayed their beautiful traditional costume. Junii Cetatii ended the show with the Round Dance of Unification.


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