Tururi virtuale


Nr: 60-62
July-September 2009

Turismul de tip paradores, în Braşov
Paradores tourism in Braşov
Paradores-Tourismus in Braşov
Paradores-turizmus, Brassóban
Prima conferinţă hotelieră din Transilvania
The first hotel conference from Transilvania
Die erste Hotellerie-Konferenz in Transsilvanien
Az első erdélyi hotel- és idegenforgalmi konferencia
Diversitatea, o şansă în plus
Diversity, an extra chance
Die Vielfalt als zusätzliche Chance
A sokféleség ? további esély
Festival ecvestru la Râşnov
The Equestrian Festival of Râşnov
Reitfestival in Rosenau
Rozsnyói lovasfesztivál
Talciocul de stil
The Style Fair
Flohmarkt mit Stil
Stílusos bolhapiac
Târgul de mirodenii
The Spices Fair
Der Gewürzmarkt
Festivalul Fanfarelor
The Fanfares Festival
Das Festival der Blaskapellen
Buzduganul de la Drăguş
The Dragus Mace
Der Streitkolben von Drăguş
A daróci buzogány
Noaptea de Sânziene la Şirnea
The Midsummer Night in Sirnea
Die Sânziene-Nacht bei Şirnea
Szentivánéj Şirneán
Zilele Codlei-Kronenfest
The Days of Codlea - Kronenfest
Die Zeidner Tage ? das Kronenfest
Kronenfest ? a Feketehalmi napok
Rotbav ? istorie şi tradiţie
History and tradition in Rotbav
Rothbach ? Geschichte und Tradition
Szászveresmart ? történelem és hagyomány
Tradiţii culturale la Predeal
Cultural traditions in Predeal
Kulturtraditionen in Predeal
Kulturális hagyományok Predeálon

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The first hotel conference from Transilvania



The first hotel and tourism conference from Transylvania took place in Brasov, at the Cultural Center ?Reduta?. Its purpose was to create a favourable environment for the development of professional knowledge of those who work within the tourism field and HoReCa sector. Famous experienced people in hotel and tourism industry participated in the conference. The climax of the event was the gastronomic art demonstration Good Food in Live performed by the famous master in cookery, Mr. Jakob Hausmann. Famous suppliers of services and products on HoReCa market and tourism field exhibited specialized stands.

Strategies for tourism promotion

Strategies for tourism promotion during the crisis period were presented at the conference and Mr. Ionut Gliga (the County Council Brasov ? the Association for Tourism Promotion and Development of Brasov county) delivered a presentation about the improvement of services, price levelling, adding value to services and communication issues, addressed to the hotel industry.
Mrs. Anca Nicolescu from the European Consultancy House talked about financing possibilities within the tourism field and hospitality industry and Mr. Christopher Shonn, Hohl & Partner, Vienna, Austria, offered consultancy services in hotel and all tourism objectives management. Topics like customers? future needs, available spaces, new design and hotel architecture were also approached and the combination of all these offered another chance to attract tourists.

The Perfect Kitchen

The topic presented by Mr. Christian Macedonschi, Trus HoReCa Services Braşov, together with Mr. Jakob Hausmann referred to the efficient organization of the kitchen space, reducing energy costs and expenses, respectively obtaining efficiency from the gastronomical point of view, namely the Perfect Kitchen. After this theoretical presentation followed a practical food demonstration ?How to cook breakfast? and Mr. Jakob Hausmann?s food show (owner of ?Little Switzerland Restaurant? franchise, Master in Cookery).

Attractive solutions for tourists

Mr. Dragoş Crăciun, President of the Commission for Sports, Tourism, Youth and Environment Protection and Ecological Issues within the County Council Brasov, said: ?This is the first hotel and tourism conference from Transylvania, organized in Brasov, and we wish to make it traditional. By meeting, the tourism and service operators can communicate and find attractive solutions for tourists. In order to increase the number of tourists, the quality/price ratio must be equal. It is the professional development and niche tourism development which counts. By building an airport in Brasov the number of tourists will become double and it will give an extra chance to the tourism destinations in the county of Brasov?.


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