Tururi virtuale


Nr: 60-62
July-September 2009

Turismul de tip paradores, în Braşov
Paradores tourism in Braşov
Paradores-Tourismus in Braşov
Paradores-turizmus, Brassóban
Prima conferinţă hotelieră din Transilvania
The first hotel conference from Transilvania
Die erste Hotellerie-Konferenz in Transsilvanien
Az első erdélyi hotel- és idegenforgalmi konferencia
Diversitatea, o şansă în plus
Diversity, an extra chance
Die Vielfalt als zusätzliche Chance
A sokféleség ? további esély
Festival ecvestru la Râşnov
The Equestrian Festival of Râşnov
Reitfestival in Rosenau
Rozsnyói lovasfesztivál
Talciocul de stil
The Style Fair
Flohmarkt mit Stil
Stílusos bolhapiac
Târgul de mirodenii
The Spices Fair
Der Gewürzmarkt
Festivalul Fanfarelor
The Fanfares Festival
Das Festival der Blaskapellen
Buzduganul de la Drăguş
The Dragus Mace
Der Streitkolben von Drăguş
A daróci buzogány
Noaptea de Sânziene la Şirnea
The Midsummer Night in Sirnea
Die Sânziene-Nacht bei Şirnea
Szentivánéj Şirneán
Zilele Codlei-Kronenfest
The Days of Codlea - Kronenfest
Die Zeidner Tage ? das Kronenfest
Kronenfest ? a Feketehalmi napok
Rotbav ? istorie şi tradiţie
History and tradition in Rotbav
Rothbach ? Geschichte und Tradition
Szászveresmart ? történelem és hagyomány
Tradiţii culturale la Predeal
Cultural traditions in Predeal
Kulturtraditionen in Predeal
Kulturális hagyományok Predeálon

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History and tradition in Rotbav



Rotbav town belongs to Feldioara commune, county of Brasov, and lies on the European Road E60 connecting Brasov to Sighisoara. Here the legends and traditions were transmitted from father to son and are being promoted on the occasion of religious holidays and events taking place all along the year.

?The Red Brook?

Town Rotbav has had several names, all deriving from ?Paraul Rosu? (= the Red Brook): Roşie, Rotbac, or Roiderbrich, Rudjebich, Rűdebiχ (Saxon language), Rothpach, Rothbach (German) and Szászveresmart, Vörösmárt/Veresmart (Hungarian).
The two towns, Rotbav and Feldioara made the object of several archaeological researches, which proved that this town existed 1900 years B.C. According to the village legends in the first half of the 13th century, 20 Saxon families, while laundering in the valley, were attacked and killed, the brook turned red and hence the name of the town.

The fortified city

The Mayor of Feldioara commune, Mr. Sorin Taus, said: ?There are fortified Saxon churches and fortresses both in Feldioara and Rotbav commune, which were built for defensive purposes. The one in Rotbav was built in 1300 and the fortified walls in the 15th century. They still exist nowadays and tourists are highly interested to see them. We intend to develop tourist information centres around them. In order to promote traditions and customs we rehabilitated and opened the Cultural Centre of Rotbav. This event reunited Romanian, Hungarian, and German people, with their unique costumes.?

Historical and cult monuments

The President of the County Council Brasov, Mr. Aristotel Cancescu participated in the opening of Rotbav Cultural Centre and said: ?In 2008 alone, 200 billon lei were allotted for historical and cult monuments. In a single year Euro 40 millions were approved for the roads. If we solve the infrastructure issue, if we rehabilitate the historical monuments and if we promote customs and traditions we will be able to attract a lot of tourists. This is another town with a new Cultural Centre on whose stage all generations can come to define culture.?


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