Tururi virtuale


Nr: 58-59
May-June 2009

Centru UNESCO, în Cetatea Râşnov
Zilele Braşovului, ediţia a VIII-a
Brasov?s Days
Les Jours de Brasov
I Giorni di Brasov
Elena Udrea, la Braşov
Green and Cultural Tourism
Tourisme vert et culturel
Turismo verde e culturale
Festivalul medieval "Turnirul Cavalerilor"
The Knights Tournament
Le Tournoi des Chevaliers
Il Torneo dei Cavalieri
Ziua meşteşugurilor tradiţionale
The Handicrafts' Day
Le Jour des Artisanats
Noaptea Muzeelor 2009 la Braşov
Museums' Night
La Nuit des Musées
La Notte dei Musei
Festivalul primăverii, la Codlea
Spring Festival
Festival du Printemps
Festival della Primavera
Muzeul Ţării Făgăraşului "Valer Literat"
?Valer Literat? Museum
Le Musée "Valer Literat"
Il Museo "Valer Literat"
Festivalul dansului popular maghiar din Ţara Bîrsei
Folk Magyar Dance
La danse populaire Magyare
Danza popolare magiara
Festivalul Culturii Ţigăneşti
Gipsy Festivals
Festivals Gitans
Festival Zingaro
Fonduri nerambursabile pentru Cetatea Rupea
Rupea Fortress
La Forteresse Rupea
La Fortezza Rupea
Zilele Predealului 2009
Predeal?s Days
Les Jours de Predeal
I Giorni di Predeal
Părăul spiritual
Icons at Parau village
Icônes au village Parau
Icone nel villaggio Parau
"Ferestre, deschise, din suflet"
Soul's Windows
Fenêtres de l?âme
Finestre dell?anima
Ziua statului Israel
Jewish Celebration

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Icons at Parau village


On Saint George, Parau village was the host of a peculiar event. It was for the first time that the local church hosted an icons exhibition, as a way to establish a contact with God within a sacred place and through this marvellous art of icons on glass.

Spirit mirrored in Icons

The event was organized by Brasov County Council, the County Centre for Conservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Brasov and Saint George Church of Parau, under the name ?Easter at Parau?. The exhibition varnishing already became a tradition takes place every year on April 23, when the church celebrates its patron Saint George.
The event is an opportunity to admire the essence of the Christian spirit mirrored in glass icons whose thematic reconstruct key moments in the Passion Week

Spiritual Communion

The popular exhibition brings together artefacts created according traditional techniques, recording the art of the famous icon makers of the family of priest Smadu of Victoria. But even the icons made by the children of Brasov and Zarnesti and coordinated by their teachers reflect the purity and authenticity of the Transylvanian village. The children are very attached to the icons they create and invite at Parau all those whishing to initiate themselves in the icons on glass's art.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov