Tururi virtuale


Nr: 56-57
March-April 2009

Baba Dochia
The old Dochia
Noul brand turistic al judeţului Braşov
Echipă nouă la Prefectură
New Prefecture’s Team
Nouvelle équipe à la Préfecture
Nuova squadra alla Prefettura
Braşovul, oraşul lui Kronos
Town of Cronus
Ville de Chronos
Strigarea peste sat la Şinca Nouă
The Wheel on Fire
La roue en flammes
La Ruota in fiamme
Prejmer: Clătita din căruţă
The Pancakes Festival
Le Festival des Crêpes
Il Festival delle Crêpe
Balul Dragobetelui, la Zizin
Dragobete’s Ball
Le Bal de Dragobete
Il Ballo di Dragobete
Balul Mărţişorului, la Codlea
The March Amulet Ball
Le Bal du printemps
Il Ballo della primavera
Alaiul măştilor la Budila
The Masks Tail
Le Cortège des Masques
Il corteo delle maschere
Şezătoare la Dumbrăviţa
The Gathering
La Réunion
La Veglia
Predealul, pentru turiştii îndrăgostiţi
Predeal in Love
Predeal amoureux
Predeal innamorato
Păpuşile dansatoare din Vama Buzăului
Dancing Dolls
Les Poupées Danseuses
Le Bombole danzatrici
Zâna Măseluţă, la Teliu
The Tooth Fairy
La petite souris
La Fatina
Oul Pascal
The Paschal Egg
L’Oeuf Pascal
L’Uovo Pasquale
Hristos a Înviat!
The Resurrection

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The Resurrection

Easter is the most important Christian ceremony of the year. Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Sunday - the third day according to the Scriptures – the chrism-bearing women found the empty tomb. Against all those who accused and mocked him, calling Him King of Jews, crowning Him with thorns, kept under heavy cold flagstone, Jesus accomplished the most brilliant victory ever over death and human malignancy.

Salvation and Victory

Talking about Resurrection, the vicar of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Brasov, priest Ioan Hardea said: „Christ has risen from the grave and overcame death for us. We believe and win through His Death and Resurrection, we die and resurrect to live forever with Christ. He died for us and triumphed for us. In His Death lies our salvation, in His Resurrection lies our victory”.


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