In this period of early spring, the space between heaven and earth is populated with the good fairies of spring. One of them is Tooth Fairy; at Teliu she appeared during the Masks to admonish the children to be good. She also promised to make snow melt, snowdrop blossom and trees bloom. The event was organised by the Centre for the Preservation of traditions and customs Brasov, in collaboration with Teliu town hall, the Agency for sustainable development (ADDJ) Brasov and the county’s school inspectorate.
The Good Wizard
The Masks Carnival of Teliu is part of an Excellency project conducted by ADDJ and includes other three localities: Prejmer, Budila and Vama Buzaului. As mayor Vasile Serban remarked, the Festival of Teliu made happy children, parents, teachers and last but not least, the tourists who came to know the unaltered traditions of a Romanian village. Even the organisers felt the impulse to take part to the event: Adrian Valusescu, the director of the Conservation Centre, showed up on stage dressed as the Good Wizard.