The Agency?s Inauguration
On October 5, 2006, the Durable Development Agency of Brasov county was officially inaugurated. The event was attended by the EU counsellor for the Region 7 Centre Birgit Schlievenz, the president of the County Council Aristotel Cancescu, the CC vice-president Marian Rasaliu, the Foreign Relations director and president of the Durable Development Agency Mihai Lucian Pascu, the vice mayor of Brasov Adrian Gabor and various mayors of the county. In his opening speech, the CC president Cancescu emphasized the importance of the event and the steps to follow in order to access European funds for the county?s development. ?Unfortunately, many mayors whishing to develop projects during theirs mandates can?t find the money they need. Half of the investments made in Brasov are sustained by European funds. The agency will help us to elaborate projects and access consistent funds?.
The EU Counsellor trust Us
The EU counsellor Birgit Schlievenz saluted the initiative to establish the development agency at Brasov, the first of its kind in Romania. ?Your are pioneers in this field so you must unite your forces and prepare specialist in accessing funds. There are several sceptical persons who declared that Romania would not be able to access but just 10% of the EU funds. I think you will manage this challenge. I?ve been unemployed for five years and I had to learn a lot about the European politic. Therefore, I want now to support this agency. You will get the money as long as you will employ very good prepared people and comply with the requirements?.
Durable Development Principles
Mihai Pascu, the president of the Agency reminded the purposes of the newly establish institution. Its main goal is to support the economic and social development of Brasov county by facilitating the cooperation between the territorial and administrative units members and complying with the principles of durable development: the social progress, the efficient protection of the environment, the rational use the natural reserves and the conservation of a high level of economical growth and labour hording.
The founder members are 35 legal bodies ? administrative and territorial units.
The Budget was assigned
The CC president Aristotel Cancescu, announced that the first persons working for the Agency have been already employed, and the board has also been elected. The county?s counsellors approved the agency?s budget: five billions lei have been assigned for the Durable Development Agency and the Touring Developing Agency, whereas Brasov is the first Romania?s touring county.