Tururi virtuale


Nr: 23
June- 2006

Regele Mihai I de România, la Braşov
The King?s Visit
La visite du Roi
25 de ani de la aselenizare
The Cosmos conquered from Braşov
Il Cosmos conquistado da Braşov
Mesaj pentru militarii români din Irak
Supporting the Mission in Iraq
Appuyer la mission en Irak
Appoggiare la missione in Irak
Un loc mirific
A beautiful place
Un bel endroit
O localitate străveche: Vama Buzăului
The Howling Water
L?eau hurlante
L?Acqua urlante
Împuşcatul cocoşului
Shooting the Scape ? rooster
Le tir au coq expiatoire
Pigliare due ... gali ad una fava
Buneştiul atractiv
Fleurs, histoire et vaches
Fiori, storia e mucche
Cata ? satul pisicilor
The Cats? Village
Le village des chats
Homorodul medieval
History and Horses
Storia e Cavalli
Zilele Predealului
The Life at 1159 m
La vita a 1159 m
15 ani de înfrăţire Rupea ? Denderleeuw
Belgian Friendship
Amitié belge
Microenterprises and macrohistory
Microentreprises et macrohistoire
Strategia CCI Braşov
The Chamber?s Strategy
La strategia della Camera

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Supporting the Mission in Iraq



The minister of the National Defense, Teodor Atanasiu, visited Braşov on Easter to meet the families? member of the Romanian soldiers quartered in Iraq. Their wives and parents handed out the minister their messages for the militaries and shared with him the difficulty of knowing their husbands and sons exposed to danger. Two months ago, 100 Romanian soldiers left Romania for Iraq. The meeting took place at the Military Circle and was attended by prefect Aurelian Danu, military staff, dozens of children, wives, parents, grandparents and even a great grandmother.
?This is a friendly, informal meeting, so don?t hesitate to share with me your problems. I know how hard is for you lacking the support of your husbands and sons. We?ve already sent them traditional food, so they could celebrate Easter as they would have done at home? minister Atanasiu stated.

Messages from Home
The prefect Aurelian Danu promised the families all the support of the institution he represents. He talked with every member of the soldiers? families and listened what they felt about the difficult mission in Iraq. ?It?s very important for us to keep permanently in touch with both the soldiers sent in mission and their families?.
Everyone present at the Military Circle transmitted the militaries the best wishes and good luck; all the participants expressed their deepest desire ? to see the Romanian troupes home safe and sound.

Three Generations
It was impossible for us to reproduce all the messages we?ve collected from the soldiers? families. One of them, though, seemed a bit more special because it was a three generations message. The son Andrei, 7 months old, the wife Adina and the great-grandmother Maria, 75 years old, made us their messenger for their beloved private Deliu Perju Marius: ?We are missing him so much. We are constantly praying for him and want him back as soon as possible? the two women stated.

Protection and Escort
On March 2006, 100 troopers from the 21 Mountain Rangers Battalion of Predeal, including two women, were sent in the battle-ground of Iraq Their mission is to ensure the protection of the United Nations buildings complex and escort the convoys within the district. At the military unit in Predeal, other 100 volunteers are already preparing, ready to replace them a few months from now. The mission is none too easy but fortunately everything went well so far.


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