Tururi virtuale


Nr: 166-170
May-September 2018

Braşov Tourism App
Braşov Tourism App
Braşov Tourism App
Braşov Tourism App
Cerbul de Aur 2018
"Golden Stag" Festival 2018
„Der Goldene Hirsch“ 2018
Aranyszarvas 2018
„Jocul Braşoveanca”
“Braşoveanca” Folk Dance
„Der Brasoveanca-Tanz“
A Braşoveanca tánc
Piața Artei
“Piața Artei”
Der Platz der Kunst
Művészetek Tere
Transilvania Train
Transilvania Train
Transilvania Train
Transilvania Train
„Cavalerii Teutoni se întorc în Cetatea Feldioara”
„Cavalerii Teutoni se întorc în Cetatea Feldioara”
„Die Rückkehr der Kreuzritter in die Marienburg“
A teuton lovagok visszatérnek Földvárra
Invitație la Hălchiu
Invitation to visit Hălchiu
Einladung nach Heldsdorf
Meghívó Höltövénybe
Vama Buzăului, stațiune turistică
Vama Buzăului Tourist Resort
Vama Buzăului als Reisedestination
Bodzavám turisztikai település
Interes turistic, la Prejmer
Tourist Perspective
Touristen sind an Tartlau interessiert
Turisztikai érdeklődés Prázsmáron
Hărman - Muntele Mierii
Hărman - The Mount of Honey
Honigberg – der Berg des Honigs
Szászhermány – Mézhegy
Sânpetru, filă de istorie
Sânpetru, a piece of history
Aus der Geschichte von Petersberg
Szentpéter, a történelem lapjai
420.000 de turiști, in Cetatea Râșnov
420,000 tourists at Cetatea Râșnov
420.000 Touristen in der Rosenauer Bauernburg
420 000 turista Barcarozsnyó várában

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Braşov Tourism App



Consiliul Județean Brașov (Braşov County Council) has launched the mobile app Brașov Tourism App and the website https://brasovtourism.app/ intended for tourists visiting the county of Braşov. Both the mobile applications and the website have been developed on Eventya, a platform hosting various other local administration applications and websites from Romania and abroad. Tourists coming to the county of Braşov now have a new source of information about the tourist attractions not to be missed, as well as recommendations from local people about things to do in Brașov.

Great outdoor adventures

If you are looking for extraordinary outdoor adventures, the County of Braşov has all the strengths of a great holiday destination throughout the year. Depending on your interests, you may opt for mountain and winter activities, water activities, adventure, horseback riding, biking, running, but also culture, history, and wildlife. Concerts in medieval scenery, castles and churches that seem right out of a fairytale, excellent cuisine in the restaurants in the old city centre, spectacular panoramic hiking trails, adventure parks and paragliding, snowboarding in fresh snow, and (real) bears are a great magnet for visitors.

Useful information

For tourists, the application is a digital travel guide, in Romanian and English, which provides information about: tourist attractions and sights of cultural, historical and natural value, accommodation, restaurants, transport, events, local crafts and produce, etc. This platform has been intended to serve as an instrument for the joint promotion of the County of Brașov. In this sense, Consiliul Județean Brașov ensured the participation of all Tourist Information Centres and Tourism Promotion Associations in the county, as well as the involvement of numerous Horeca sector representatives in the creation of the content of Braşov Tourism App.

Official Partner of the Golden Stag Festival (“Cerbul de Aur”) 2018

Consiliul Județean Brașov is co-organizer of the Golden Stag Festival, together with Societatea Română de Televiziune and Primăria Municipiului Brașov. Brașov Tourism App can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play and AppStore: https://brasov-tourism.app.link/install. If you want to be an active partner in the creation of the content of the application, we invite you to email us at brasovtourism@judbrasov.ro



Copyright © Fundatia Umana
Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov