Tururi virtuale


Nr: 132-134
July-September 2015

Brașov 2021 - Capitala Europeană a Culturii
Brasov 2021 - The European Capital of Culture
Kronstadt/Braşov 2021 ? Europäische Kulturhauptstadt
Brassó 2021 - Európa Kulturális Fővárosa
Păpușarii ARLECHINO și secretele lor
ARLECHINO puppeteers and their secrets
Die Arlechino-Puppen und ihre Geheimnisse
Mesék Karavánja
"Crai Nou"
"Crai Nou"
"Crai Nou"
Új király
Aleea cărții
The book lane
Die Buchallee
Garofița Pietrei Craiului
Garofița Pietrei Craiului Festival
Das Festival "Königstein-Nelke"
Királykői szekfű
Brand românesc: Ia
Romanian brand: the Ie (Romanian traditional shirt)
Die Ia-Bluse ? ein echt rumänisches Markenzeichen
Román brand: a hímzett ing
Festivalul Pescăresc "Delta din Carpați"
"Delta din Carpati" (the Carpathian Delta) fishing festival
Das Fischfestival "Das Delta der Karpaten"
A Kárpátok Deltája Halfesztivál
Sala Tronului, redeschisă după 50 de ani
The Throne Room, reopened after 50 years
Der Thronsaal ? nach 50 Jahre wieder offen
A tróntermet 50 év múltán
Feldioara, o istorie impresionantă
Feldioara, an impressive history
Marienburg ? beeindruckende Geschichte
Földvár- lenyűgöző történelem
Zilele Ghimbavului
The Days of Ghimbav
Die Weidenbacher Tage
Vidombáki napok
Hălchiul și comorile trecutului
Halchiu and the treasures of the past
Heldsdorf und seine Schätze der Vergangenheit
Höltövény és a múlt kincsei
Teliu: ateliere de sculptură, piele şi lut
Teliu: sculpture, leather and pottery workshops
Teliu: Werkstätte für Skulptur, Leder- und Tonbearbeitung
Keresztvár: művésztábor

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"Crai Nou"


The children and the young people from Brasov, lovers of folklore and tradition, had the chance to come to fore in the 12th edition of the "Crai Nou" National Folklore Festival for Children and Youth, which took place in Brasov in early July. On this occasion, "Crai Nou" Ensemble of the Children?s Palace from Brasov, wanted to remind the fact that they will soon get to 50 years of existence. During this entire time, young talents who loved the folk music and dance had the opportunity to discover and to exploit their skills.

Short history

"The festival, whose first edition took place back in 2000, came as a completion to the repertoire of a well-known and highly appreciated group, namely "Crai Nou" Ensemble of the Children?s Palace from Brasov. Every year, groups from almost all over the country and abroad have been present on the festival stage, being assessed by a jury composed of dedicated, professional and competent people, fact that made the festival even more valuable. Every time we had an exigent jury who contributed to the present outcome of the "Crai Nou" Festival", said the artist Claudia Mirițescu, event organizer.

Guaranteed success

The 12th edition of the "Crai Nou" National Folklore Festival for Children and Youth brought several groups from the country to Brasov: Arges, Bihor, Covasna, Dambovita, Harghita, Maramures, Prahova, Valcea, Tulcea and Brasov. A group coming from Blace locality, Serbia, participated too, as they were eager to perform because they knew they were going to have a guaranteed success.
All groups shook hands and started a big hora (Romanian traditional circle dance) in the Brasov Council Square.
The festival backs up the project entitled "Brasov 2021 ? European Capital of Culture ? candidate city".

Traditional clothing parade

The festival started by gathering all the folk groups in front of the Brasov County Library, followed by the traditional clothing parade on the streets of the Old Town up to the Council Square, where the groups shook hands and danced Hora Unirii (Romanian traditional dance). Afterwards, the actual show, the judging process and the award ceremony took place.


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