Tururi virtuale


Nr: 108-110
July-September 2013

Braşovul, capitala turismului montan
Brasov, capital of mountainous tourism
Kronstadt ? die Hauptstadt des Bergtourismus
Brassó: a hegyi turizmus fővárosa
Proiect româno-polonez: Transhumanţa 2013
Romanian-Polish project: Transhumance 2013
Ein rumänisch-polnisches Projekt: Transhumanz 2013
Román?lengyel terv: kétlegelős pásztorkodás 2013
Oktoberfest 2013, la cote maxime
Oktoberfest 2013 at its peak
Oktoberfest 2013 verspricht Höchstwerte an Unterhaltung
Oktoberfest 2013: csúcsrajáratva
Festivalul fanfarelor, la Codlea
The Brass Band Festival in Codlea
Das Blasmusik-Festival in Zeiden
Fúvószenekarok fesztiválja Feketehalomban
Turism ecumenic, la Cristian
Ecumenical Tourism in Cristian
Ökumene-Tourismus in Neustadt
Ökumenikus turizmus Keresztényfalván
Rusaliile, la Feldioara
The Pentecost in Feldioara
Pfingsten in Marienburg
Pünkösd Földváron
Zilele Ghimbavului 2013
The Days of Ghimbav 2013
Die Weidenbacher Tage 2013
Vidombák napjai 2013
Stejarul din Mercheaşa
The Oak Tree from Mercheasa
Die Eiche in Streitfort
A mirkvásári tölgy
Lisa: Farmecul unei comune
Lisa: The Charm of a Commune
Lisa: Der Zauber einer Gemeinde
Lisza: egy község varázsa
Cetatea Rupea: Suflet şi Divinitate
Citadel Rupea: Soul and Divinity
Die Repser Burg: Seele und Göttliches
Kőhalom vára: Lélek és istenség
Zilele Sânpetrului, Ediţia a XVIII-a
The 18th Edition of the Days of Sanpetru,
Die XVIII. Auflage der Petersberger Tage
Szentpéter napjai, XVIII. kiadás
Măsura Laptelui, la Şirnea
Measurement of the Milk in Sirnea
Das Milchvermessen in Şirnea
Tejmérés Şirneán
Tabăra de sculptură de la Teliu: "Tradiţii vechi în spirit nou"
SINAPSA - Festival Internaţional de Artă Creştină Românească

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Lisa: The Charm of a Commune



Commune Lisa is situated in the southern-western part of Brasov county, in the depression of Fagaras, at the bottom of Fagaras Mountains. The component towns are: village Lisa - centre of the commune, village Breaza, village Pojorta, all being located in an unique landscape, with fresh, unpolluted air. Tourists who wish to come here can visit the Ruins of Negru-Voda Fortress in Breaza, Urlea Cabin and Urlea Lake, the holiday villages Lisa and Breaza, the tourist area Lisa-Breaza and La valtori (whirl) in Lisa, an old mechanism for washing fabrics using force spinning.

History and datin (customs)

The first historical record is a document dating back to 1527. However, it is known that the village is much older than that. Many of the old customs of the local people are still celebrated nowadays under the name of datini. These customs are organized by the Town Hall of Lisa throughout the entire year and are connected to the most important events from the life of the community: the Heroes` Day? Ispas; the Groups of Lads, on the occasion of the winter holidays and children`s carols on the occasion of Christmas; the local custom "Datul în strai de Anul nou" (throwing people in the air using a traditional blanket) and the Herods, on the first day of the year. On holidays the young people dress up in folk costumes and the groups of young men, specific to Tara Fagarasului, attend a festival where they present their repertoire.

Charm of the commune

"I want to thank the visitors from the country and abroad for having had the curiosity and desire to find out more about us. Some of them came to identify business opportunities of any type, reason for which the local public administration showed transparency. All those who want to visit our region will surely find at least one thing that would draw their attention and make them willing to discover in person the unique beauty of these places: friendly, hospitable people and the charm of a welcoming commune," said Mr. Sorin Greavu, Mayor of Lisa.

Accommodation facilities

Tourists who come to this area can find accommodation at the local households where they can taste the fresh products coming from the people`s own poultry and animals, they can go horseback riding or on a carriage ride, do hiking on unforgettable mountain trails and can attend various cultural events. They can also find accommodation at pension houses where the owners organize spectacular evening shows with camp fires and folk music and dance.


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