Tururi virtuale


Nr: 108-110
July-September 2013

Braşovul, capitala turismului montan
Brasov, capital of mountainous tourism
Kronstadt ? die Hauptstadt des Bergtourismus
Brassó: a hegyi turizmus fővárosa
Proiect româno-polonez: Transhumanţa 2013
Romanian-Polish project: Transhumance 2013
Ein rumänisch-polnisches Projekt: Transhumanz 2013
Román?lengyel terv: kétlegelős pásztorkodás 2013
Oktoberfest 2013, la cote maxime
Oktoberfest 2013 at its peak
Oktoberfest 2013 verspricht Höchstwerte an Unterhaltung
Oktoberfest 2013: csúcsrajáratva
Festivalul fanfarelor, la Codlea
The Brass Band Festival in Codlea
Das Blasmusik-Festival in Zeiden
Fúvószenekarok fesztiválja Feketehalomban
Turism ecumenic, la Cristian
Ecumenical Tourism in Cristian
Ökumene-Tourismus in Neustadt
Ökumenikus turizmus Keresztényfalván
Rusaliile, la Feldioara
The Pentecost in Feldioara
Pfingsten in Marienburg
Pünkösd Földváron
Zilele Ghimbavului 2013
The Days of Ghimbav 2013
Die Weidenbacher Tage 2013
Vidombák napjai 2013
Stejarul din Mercheaşa
The Oak Tree from Mercheasa
Die Eiche in Streitfort
A mirkvásári tölgy
Lisa: Farmecul unei comune
Lisa: The Charm of a Commune
Lisa: Der Zauber einer Gemeinde
Lisza: egy község varázsa
Cetatea Rupea: Suflet şi Divinitate
Citadel Rupea: Soul and Divinity
Die Repser Burg: Seele und Göttliches
Kőhalom vára: Lélek és istenség
Zilele Sânpetrului, Ediţia a XVIII-a
The 18th Edition of the Days of Sanpetru,
Die XVIII. Auflage der Petersberger Tage
Szentpéter napjai, XVIII. kiadás
Măsura Laptelui, la Şirnea
Measurement of the Milk in Sirnea
Das Milchvermessen in Şirnea
Tejmérés Şirneán
Tabăra de sculptură de la Teliu: "Tradiţii vechi în spirit nou"
SINAPSA - Festival Internaţional de Artă Creştină Românească

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The Brass Band Festival in Codlea



The National Brass Band Festival was organized in May in town Codlea, Brasov county; six national brass bands participated: Armonia Tarnaveni, Atlantis Ozun, Promenada Campia Turzii, together with the brass bands from Sighisoara and Vulcan. It has been the first time that this festival was organized in Codlea, with the support of the Town Hall that provided the venue, the facilities and paid for the brass band performance. Each brass band made the announcement through a piece of music in the neighbourhoods from Codlea town.

Brass bands celebrating 100 years

"The National Brass Band Festival is an event which honours us and gives us the opportunity to bring to the people`s attention the brass band as it once was - a tradition in Codlea. Because this was a good occasion we also invited the elderly who have performed brass band music for ten years. We have also organized a prize award ceremony for two citizens from Codlea, one of them celebrating 100 years old and the other one 101 years old. We considered that the best thing we could offer to these people was our gratitude and the title of citizens of honour in the sound of the specific music performed by six famous national brass bands," said Mr. Catalin Munteanu, Mayor of Codlea.

The Centenarian Artist

The two persons whose birthdays were celebrated were Ioan Popa, aged 100 and Alexandru Pruteanu, aged 101, who had an impeccable appearance when attending the National Brass Band Festival. They were extremely nervous the moment they have been declared citizens of honour. They have been offered awards and flowers and they were surrounded by the warmth of their families and local people. The brass band music and the applauses from the audience brought tears into their eyes and made them feel important. Moreover, Ioan Popa, aged 100, told us that he was making a tricycle that he intended to use to go out in town. When asked about the hobby of his life, he answered: art carpentry and making furniture for export.

A Landscaping Project

"There is a landscaping project executed on Laterala Street, in the Town of Flowers, as our town is called, which, due to its diversified colours, turned into a tulip festival. It is a major cultural event and also a good opportunity to promote the town which is increasingly visited by tourists. The two old men brought a touch of colour to this event and their declaration, at such age, to feel happy made the audience even more thrilled," said the Cultural Issues Counsellor, Mr. Claudiu Jecu.


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